It’s been quite an interesting couple of days here in the States, to say the very least. One of the most apparently divisive election cycles in recent history roared into an unexpected crescendo of questions, disbelief, and a flurry of emotional, guttural responses from constituents of both parties as they watched the little red and blue maps fill in on their TV screens Tuesday night. From laughter to tears to outbursts of anger to utter astonishment, the raw reactions to the election results have run the full emotional gambit.
Why? It’s not just the politics this time; it’s also because so few saw it coming. So few people really expected the votes to shake out to that particular final tally, especially not in the manner they did. Electoral maps were redrawn, with each candidate winning—and losing—in counties and states their respective parties normally carry.
Common wisdom also said that there would be major shakeups in the House and Senate elections. But there again, expectations fell flat, and it was people, not the governmental entities, that were shaken. The stock market even experienced major swings simply because Wall Street didn’t expect the news that came pouring in Tuesday night and Wednesday morning.
As I have watched news concerning our next president spread from the United States to the world, I have been intrigued by the diverse responses from various people in many nations. To be sure, most people have been surprised, but they’ve expressed themselves with as wide an array of emotions as those in the States, from exuberance to anger to disbelief and everything in between.
Nothing Has Changed
Nevertheless, with all of the uncertainty of the election reminding us that the world is an unsure place, it sure has been good to remember that the most significant news in the world remains completely unchanged. It’s the news that our King is still on his throne (Ps. 45:6; Heb. 1:8), our citizenship is still in his kingdom (Eph. 2:19; Phil. 3:20), our confidence is still in his reign (1 Cor. 15:20–28), our joy is still in his salvation (Ps. 35:9; 51:12), our inheritance is still as his children (Eph. 1:11; 1 Pet. 1:4), and our hope is still in his coming (Titus 2:13).
“It has been good to remember that the most significant news in the world remains completely unchanged.”
None of these things have changed. Not one. And none of them would have changed had another candidate won the presidency. Consequently, brothers and sisters, our task today remains just as sure today as it was yesterday or the day before. We are spreading the immeasurably glorious news of the immortally gracious King to men, women, and children around the world whose hearts are all longing for the one leader who alone can love, protect, provide for, save, and satisfy them not just for a time on this earth but for all time in eternity. That is news worth telling the world.
Let’s take our cues from the likes of King David, who declared time and again, through trouble and trial, that the presence of the Lord guaranteed that he would not be shaken (Ps. 16:8; 62:2, 6). The author of Hebrews also reminds us that Christ’s kingdom is completely unshakeable, and when all that is shaken falls away, his kingdom will stand (Heb. 12:18–29).
The image of the nations gathered around the throne in Revelation 4 solidifies not only that Christ will reign and his kingdom will stand, but also that many people from all the nations will cast their crowns before the throne and join in the chorus, “Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created” (Rev. 4:11 ESV).
No election can unsettle the good plan of our God. So, let’s spread the glorious news of Christ and his unshakeable kingdom with zeal, passion, steadfast urgency, and Spirit-filled unction, particularly among unreached men and women throughout the world who have never even heard his name. Let’s do so as if the election didn’t change anything, because, well, by God’s grace, it didn’t.