Missions Conversations from Around the Web: Immigration, Preaching, and Single Missionaries

Newly Released Information on Immigration

The United States is no stranger to immigrants. Keeping careful watch over the New York harbor, into which have been welcomed millions of people in search of a new start, stands the Statue of Liberty, bearing the inscription,

“…Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

No matter your political persuasion—and that is in no way the point here—immigration continues to bring the nations to American soil. The “huddled masses” are here, and they represent unprecedented opportunity for the gospel to find its way among peoples who would otherwise not hear it.

The “huddled masses” are here, and they represent unprecedented opportunity for the gospel to find its way among peoples who would otherwise not hear it.

Welcome is a Powerful Word for Internationals

Just last week, a plethora of valuable information on immigration from various government sources was released, and this article shares it all. The value of this information is untold for churches who desire to engage the peoples who are moving into their own neighborhoods for the sake of the gospel. The detailed information and tools found within the article are vast, and can be quite a catalyst for cross-cultural work here in the States.

Preaching and the Mission of God

Of late—in the last couple of decades or so—there has been in evangelicalism a renewed emphasis on expository preaching. In a recent post, J.D. Payne supported this movement, all the while pointing out another emphasis that remains missing from a lot of preaching: the mission of God.

“All preaching,” he writes, “should be text driven. But we would not have any text to preach if it had not been for the mission of God.” Furthermore, “All preaching should point to Christ. But there is no cross without the mission of God.”

Theology and Mission Need Each Other

This emphasis on—or, maybe, recognition of—the mission of God is not one that infiltrates every pulpit. It is not foundational for teaching in many churches. And that affects our understanding of the Great Commission and the way it is carried out by our churches. The ability to engage in God’s mission is predicated upon it’s clear declaration within our churches. Explore J.D.’s article on preaching the mission of God for more clarity.

Single Missionaries: What It’s Like to Serve

We’ve addressed on some scale here what it means to serve on the field—even short-term—as families. We’ve talked about what it means when missions and dating collide. And we’ve talked about the need for single people to join in the work around the globe. We’ve not, however, directed much conversation around what it’s like to actually be a single missionary and exactly how it benefits the missionary force.

TEAM recently addressed the topic in an article on their site. They noted the common struggles singles deal with, from difficulty raising support to loneliness, isolation, and fear.  The author offers two basic ways to address those issues, namely, trusting in the call of God and following as he leads and recognizing the benefits of living and working on the field as a single, such as flexibility. The author closes out with a question of motivation, a question as to why a single person would pursue marriage. Has God directed you toward marriage, or is the marriage simply an ideal—an idol?