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South Asian students take gospel to the streets

The students’ deep brown eyes boldly searched the crowded street, teeming with tourists. In this city, a team of student leaders broke up into groups, seeking opportunities to share the good news. One group met a tourist couple—Christians who had never shared their faith. The couple joined the group, eager to share the gospel.

The second group met fellow students from their own city. Hoping to continue the conversation in their hometown, they handed the young men a copy of the Gospel of John.

The members of this diverse team live, study and work among the 20 million residents of their South Asian megacity. Less than .001% of those residents are followers of Jesus. Trains rumble past slums and high-rises—the poor and the rich, the hungry and the full.

In connection with IMB workers, national pastors and evangelical partners, these student leaders have planted a church for students. They hold worship services and are consistently ministering in their communities. One student has even begun a Bible study and is teaching others to do the same.

Pray that these students in South Asia will continue to seek out people with whom to boldly share the gospel. Pray for their spiritual growth, direction and witness. Pray for the team’s reproducibility and financial freedom.

A Christian worker says this city has been consistently ranked one of the hardest cities in the world to live in due to pollution, traffic, lack of infrastructure, poverty, corruption, poor governance and other factors. Through it all, though, the people are eager to hear about the hope of the gospel. (IMB Photo)


IMB recognizes the value of involving young women and men in the goal to take the gospel to unreached people. We provide opportunities for students to discover their missions calling and be actively engaged in reaching the nations for Christ. Visit imb.org/students for more information.