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Downloadable Olympic Tech Backgrounds for August 2024

As the nations descend upon the French capital this August, the International Mission Board’s Paris team anticipates a whirlwind summer of opportunity for sharing Christ. Our teams will trade three different pins with spectators for the Olympics (July 26-Aug. 11) and Paralympics (Aug. 28-Sept. 8).

Each pin has an NFC tag (near-field communication), which, with just a tap of one device to another, takes you to a website with questions and information about who Jesus is.

This month’s tech backgrounds depict the three styles of Olympic pins. We challenge you to download them and pray for Olympic ministries made up of your missionaries, short-term volunteers and French churches.

Calendar Background

Click to download to your device:
Desktop Windows/Mac | iPhone 14 | iPhone X | iPad | Samsung Galaxy

Calendar Background (Unbranded)

Click to download to your device:
Desktop Windows/Mac | iPhone 14 | iPhone X | iPad | Samsung Galaxy

john 8:12

Bible Verse Background

Click to download to your device:
Desktop Windows/Mac | iPhone 14 | iPhone X | iPad | Samsung Galaxy