Your prayer guide is on its way to your home! Before you go, would you consider something?
Your dedication to impact lostness through prayer and previous giving means more than you know. You’re helping spread the hope of the gospel to the unreached corners of the world.
Since we know you are someone who deeply cares about sharing the gospel with hard-to-reach people groups, we invite you to consider taking one more step today.
Would you consider providing Bibles to people groups around the world in their language today?
Your additional gift today results not just in a Bible passed along, but a life changed — eternally.
And your gift doesn’t just stay here. Instead, it travels, reaching different parts of the globe. It gives a voice to God’s Word in languages previously untouched by scripture. It fills the silence with the hope and salvation from knowing Jesus.
Our missionaries are passionate about making disciples of all nations. This task is vast. They can’t do it on their own. Your gift today will also help support over 3,500 IMB missionaries who are on the ground teaching the Bible and helping these spiritually lost communities understand His Word.
The time to act is now. It’s our call to answer the great need for God’s Word. Taking the gospel to all nations isn’t an option; it’s a command.
Will you provide Bibles to people in need of the Scripture today?
You can be the reason a community hears of Jesus for the first time by making a gift of any amount using the secure form below. 100% of your gift will go towards providing these Bibles and supporting the missionaries who teach from them.