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Your Generosity Transforms Lives

Missionary presence leads to gospel access, gospel belief, and gospel multiplication.

Please prayerfully consider a gift to one of these eight priority opportunities. All gifts go directly to the ministry effort you designate.

Learn About the Opportunities

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Please choose an amount of $5 or greater.
Please Select a Valid Gift Destination

Your $100.00 one-time gift provides clean drinking water for a year.

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The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® is a registered trademark of WMU®.
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Missionary Care and Renewal

Investing in IMB missionaries ensures a long-term presence among the least-reached peoples of the world to share the gospel. Missionaries who receive ongoing training and encouragement are more likely to stay on the field and continue spreading God’s Word.

Missionary Kid Education and Spiritual Growth

Provide training, education, and spiritual growth events for missionary kids living overseas. Help missionary kids (MKs) understand God’s beautiful plan for their lives, while also strengthening their missionary family as they reach families without Christ.


Mobilize the next generation of missionaries, pastors, and evangelists to fulfill their roles in the Great Commission! Your gifts will inspire and propel our youth, college students, and young adults worldwide to be part of God’s global mission.