Empower: Austria Church Planter Training

Empower Austrian church planters to develop healthy churches that make and send disciples throughout the country and around the world.

Empower breaks Austria’s unhealthy dependence on foreign missionaries to start and lead its churches by developing home-grown church plant leaders. Empower identifies potential leaders, trains them in a comprehensive process, and sets them free to fulfill God’s call to reach their nation and the world for Christ. Empower also casts a vision to existing churches to join in and eventually lead the process. Your gift will provide internship scholarships for new church planters, cover the cost of office and meeting space and fund several specialized trainings and retreats each year. Empower’s goal for this first generation of new church planters is to plant 10 new, healthy churches in the first 10 years.

Investment in the first generation of Empower’s leaders is crucial for gaining momentum because the church in Austria is small (less than 0.5% of the population) and does not yet realize the value of home-grown, fully supported leadership. With your partnership, Empower is positioned to lead the way to instill a new vision for Austrian-led church planting and leadership and to provide the hands-on training to make it happen. Give today to empower a new generation of church leaders throughout Austria and, from there, to the ends of the earth!

Empower breaks Austria’s unhealthy dependence on foreign missionaries to start and lead its churches by developing home-grown church plant leaders. Empower identifies potential leaders, trains them in a comprehensive process, and sets them free to fulfill God’s call to reach their nation and the world for Christ. Empower also casts a vision to existing churches to join in and eventually lead the process. Your gift will provide internship scholarships for new church planters, cover the cost of office and meeting space and fund several specialized trainings and retreats each year. Empower’s goal for this first generation of new church planters is to plant 10 new, healthy churches in the first 10 years.

Investment in the first generation of Empower’s leaders is crucial for gaining momentum because the church in Austria is small (less than 0.5% of the population) and does not yet realize the value of home-grown, fully supported leadership. With your partnership, Empower is positioned to lead the way to instill a new vision for Austrian-led church planting and leadership and to provide the hands-on training to make it happen. Give today to empower a new generation of church leaders throughout Austria and, from there, to the ends of the earth!

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of $450,000 goal
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European Peoples

With 810 million people, 51 sovereign states and 200 spoken languages, Europe is rich in diversity and character. These distinct cultures create a continent of global influence through language, politics, finance, fashion, and food. Though diverse, the peoples of Europe do have one thing in common—more than 98% do not follow Jesus.

Instead of seeing Europe’s decidedly post-Christian culture as a hindrance, IMB teams see the potential of what God wants to do on and through this influential continent. Not only do Europeans need the hope of the gospel, making it a primary place for ministry, but the global reach of its cities also makes it a strategic place as well. Immigrants comprise more than 15% of the population of gateway cities such as London, Paris, Madrid and Vienna.

Through dreaming big and taking faith-filled risks, IMB teams are connecting with European nationals, sharing the gospel and training local leaders. Their aim is to develop strong local leadership in every city and province who will lead biblically faithful and reproducing churches. Churches that plant new healthy churches will send the gospel to the nations of the world from every borough, town and village of the beautifully diverse continent of Europe.

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