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Digital Missions Europe

Share the gospel through the internet's global mission field.
People around the world spend an average of almost seven hours a day on the internet. Your IMB missionaries in Europe want to meet them there. You can join them in being digital missionaries to Europe through your prayers and giving.

Your gifts to “Digital Missions in Europe” will train and equip IMB missionaries and their local partners to share the gospel digitally across Europe. The greatest problem in the world today is lostness, and the only solution is the gospel. We must have a digital missionary presence where people are looking for answers that only the gospel can give. With more than 70,000 Google searches each second and 4.62 billion social media users, the internet is a global mission field!
People around the world spend an average of almost seven hours a day on the internet. Your IMB missionaries in Europe want to meet them there. You can join them in being digital missionaries to Europe through your prayers and giving.

Your gifts to “Digital Missions in Europe” will train and equip IMB missionaries and their local partners to share the gospel digitally across Europe. The greatest problem in the world today is lostness, and the only solution is the gospel. We must have a digital missionary presence where people are looking for answers that only the gospel can give. With more than 70,000 Google searches each second and 4.62 billion social media users, the internet is a global mission field!
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of $100,000 goal
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Gospel ad
translates into 1 language
Digital gospel sharing
shares with 5,000 people
Online tools for a digital strategy
provides for 1 IMB team
Digital Engagement Cohort training
scholarships 1 person
Digital Engagement Cohort training
covers all personnel in 1 country
Online gospel ads
funds 1 year
Southeast Asia
* IMB does not supply exact location for security reasons.


European Peoples

With 810 million people, 51 sovereign states and 200 spoken languages, Europe is rich in diversity and character. These distinct cultures create a continent of global influence through language, politics, finance, fashion, and food. Though diverse, the peoples of Europe do have one thing in common—more than 98% do not follow Jesus.

Instead of seeing Europe’s decidedly post-Christian culture as a hindrance, IMB teams see the potential of what God wants to do on and through this influential continent. Not only do Europeans need the hope of the gospel, making it a primary place for ministry, but the global reach of its cities also makes it a strategic place as well. Immigrants comprise more than 15% of the population of gateway cities such as London, Paris, Madrid and Vienna.

Through dreaming big and taking faith-filled risks, IMB teams are connecting with European nationals, sharing the gospel and training local leaders. Their aim is to develop strong local leadership in every city and province who will lead biblically faithful and reproducing churches. Churches that plant new healthy churches will send the gospel to the nations of the world from every borough, town and village of the beautifully diverse continent of Europe.

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