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Homes and Hope for Distressed Families

Provide nomadic circular tent homes, livestock, and water wells, and the gospel for those who are in great need.
“Seeing [the Christians] helping other people touched me, and that’s why I accepted Jesus into my heart,” Gan* said after local believers set up a brand new ger (nomadic tent home) for her family. Her home and everything in it had recently burned to the ground in an electrical fire. Long-term personnel and local believers heard of her family’s needs and provided for this family through gifts to Homes and Hope for Distressed Families.

Assisting nomadic families in crisis through community development projects is opening doors to share the gospel with unreached East Asian peoples. Your gift will take the love of Christ to these families in need by replacing gers destroyed by fire, flood, or bear attacks; drilling deepwater wells for those with little access to clean water; and purchasing fuel to heat homes in the winter. “Homes and Hope” also provides school supplies for children and basic groceries for impoverished families and offers marketable skills classes to help disabled or out-of-work individuals find sustainable employment. 

The economic needs created by this region’s challenging geography and developing economy provide endless opportunities to tangibly share the love of Christ. Partner today with long-term workers and local brothers and sisters using the “Homes and Hope” project to impact the lives of East Asians.

*Name changed
“Seeing [the Christians] helping other people touched me, and that’s why I accepted Jesus into my heart,” Gan* said after local believers set up a brand new ger (nomadic tent home) for her family. Her home and everything in it had recently burned to the ground in an electrical fire. Long-term personnel and local believers heard of her family’s needs and provided for this family through gifts to Homes and Hope for Distressed Families.

Assisting nomadic families in crisis through community development projects is opening doors to share the gospel with unreached East Asian peoples. Your gift will take the love of Christ to these families in need by replacing gers destroyed by fire, flood, or bear attacks; drilling deepwater wells for those with little access to clean water; and purchasing fuel to heat homes in the winter. “Homes and Hope” also provides school supplies for children and basic groceries for impoverished families and offers marketable skills classes to help disabled or out-of-work individuals find sustainable employment. 

The economic needs created by this region’s challenging geography and developing economy provide endless opportunities to tangibly share the love of Christ. Partner today with long-term workers and local brothers and sisters using the “Homes and Hope” project to impact the lives of East Asians.

*Name changed
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of $350,000 goal
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Goat for a family
purchases 1
Food for a family
feeds for 1 month
Yurt lost in natural disaster
covers 1
Community water well
drills 1

Field Updates

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Gospel on the Move

It takes tents, sleeping bags, and a lot of food for Peter Station* to get out in the remote areas of his East Asian country—the places where the herdsmen live. He throws all his gear in the back of an SUV, drives several days into the wilderness, and camps beside them so he can share the gospel with them. Sometimes they’ll choose to follow Jesus, and Peter will make plans to come back and start discipling them. And then when he drives out there again, there’s nothing but grass. They’re gone.

That’s one of the biggest challenges of reaching the herdsmen, a nomadic people who live off the land and move often with their herds of cattle. But Peter won’t stop—he knows he can’t until there are disciples all over the vast land where they wander. And over time, he is seeing lives transformed. “We’ve been able to see herdsmen come to know Christ, to accept Him,” he said. “We’re able to see baptisms in the middle of the wilderness and people being discipled.”

*Name changed

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Southeast Asia
* IMB does not supply exact location for security reasons.


Asian Pacific Rim Peoples

From the skyscrapers of Hong Kong and vast plains of Mongolia to smoky rainforests hiding winding rivers edged by golden sands, the natural beauty and long history of these Asia-Pacific Rim countries testify to God’s creative hand. This vast region houses four of the most populous global cities, as well as the country with the world's largest nominal population of Muslims.

Spirituality swirls through cities and countryside like the smoke from temple incense sticks. Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, animists, Daoists and ancestor worshipers live here, comprising 851 unreached people groups who have never heard that freedom is found in Christ. Pray for divine appointments for Christian workers to share that Jesus is the way to peace with God and eternal life. Ask God to glorify His name among the peoples of the Asian Pacific Rim Peoples affinity.

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