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South Asian Urban Digital Engagement

Help us reach urban social media users with the good news
With more than 314 million active Facebook users in India, people are looking to social media to answer their most profound life questions, such as “What is my purpose?” “Who should I marry?” “How do I handle depression?” “What meaning does my life have?” With such a large percentage of social media users living in urban mega-cities, a team of long-term workers wants to offer them a better solution than what the world provides. They want to offer them the living hope of Jesus Christ through a digital engagement strategy that shares gospel-centered media content via social media. Your gift will create gospel content and fund online ad campaigns that offer one-on-one gospel-centered conversations with those who want to know more. Through these conversations, the team of workers and national partners can identify those genuinely seeking answers and help them on their journey toward Christ.

Your partnership will enable the gospel to go out to thousands of people who wouldn’t otherwise encounter the gospel and believers who are ready to share the good news of Christ. Join the exciting work God is doing through this digital strategy to seek and find South Asians who want answers to ultimate questions and are primed to encounter the gospel online! 
With more than 314 million active Facebook users in India, people are looking to social media to answer their most profound life questions, such as “What is my purpose?” “Who should I marry?” “How do I handle depression?” “What meaning does my life have?” With such a large percentage of social media users living in urban mega-cities, a team of long-term workers wants to offer them a better solution than what the world provides. They want to offer them the living hope of Jesus Christ through a digital engagement strategy that shares gospel-centered media content via social media. Your gift will create gospel content and fund online ad campaigns that offer one-on-one gospel-centered conversations with those who want to know more. Through these conversations, the team of workers and national partners can identify those genuinely seeking answers and help them on their journey toward Christ.

Your partnership will enable the gospel to go out to thousands of people who wouldn’t otherwise encounter the gospel and believers who are ready to share the good news of Christ. Join the exciting work God is doing through this digital strategy to seek and find South Asians who want answers to ultimate questions and are primed to encounter the gospel online! 
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of $20,000 goal
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Facebook ads
funds 1 month
Instagram ads
funds 1 month
Content creation and coaching
provides for 6 months
Content creation and coaching
provides for 1 year
Instagram ads
funds 1 year
Content creation and coaching
provides for 2 years

Field Updates

Southeast Asia
* IMB does not supply exact location for security reasons.


South Asian Peoples

South Asian peoples live within a kaleidoscope of colors, a cacophony of sounds, and a buffet of flavors that ignite the senses and warm the soul. This enigmatic region is the birthplace of four world religions but is also home to the world's highest concentration of lostness.

The 1.6 billion people of South Asia are concentrated in an area less than half the size of the USA. Muslims and Hindus comprise the overwhelming religious majority. Every week 225,000 South Asians die, most without Christ. Yet there are glimmers of gospel hope. Through the work of local Christians and foreign workers God is bringing South Asians to faith in Jesus, the church is growing, and stories of Christ’s redeeming power are emerging from the field.

More than a billion South Asian eyes are searching for hope. Pray for long-term workers and their local partners who share the love of Christ daily. Ask God to use their efforts to create a movement of his Spirit across the city and throughout countries and islands of South Asia!

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