About Team
About South Asians Across Canada Team
Canada has many diverse cultures, including those from South Asia. From Punjabis and Pakistanis to Gujaratis, we seek to share the gospel with these unreached peoples. We believe that by making disciples of South Asians living in Canada, the good news will have a global impact, reaching back to South Asia and even to the ends of the earth.
Our team works alongside South Asian believers and other ministries in Canada to see the gospel preached countrywide. We also work to plant churches in South Asian communities, most of which have very few churches.
Additionally, we see Canada as a training ground, helping South Asians reach back to their own nations where Westerners can have little to no access. Join us in expanding the gospel’s reach among South Asian people groups living in Canada.
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Team Projects
Support Specific Opportunities
Gifts toward specific efforts show us what you are excited about. Occasionally,
we may redeploy gifts as we follow God's leading with urgent opportunities or changing international contexts.
Any gifts received beyond the goal go toward a similar project or our team support.
One of the biggest needs for new believers is ensuring that they are strongly grounded in the Word of God. This discipleship training will ensure they have the proper biblical foundation that will guard them from false teaching and make them fruitful and faithful followers of Jesus. Your gift will help us host these events, funding participants' travel to the trainings, venue hall rentals, and food costs.
For the gospel to reach new areas, we need to cast the vision for local South Asian missionaries to be sent among their own people. Your gift to this project will help us to train those South Asian missionaries, so they are equipped to work in cross cultural settings. It will also ensure they have the support needed in order to remain in their areas and be effective in sharing the gospel.
Our goal is to see God raise up a movement of local South Asian church planters. We invest in our nationals through training to ensure they are equipped with the tools they need to reach new areas and plant churches. Your gift will underwrite the cost of these training events. Partner with us in this project to help us move toward having a church in every neighborhood from where the gospel can ring forth in Word and deed.
Goal Amount
The goal represents the cost of our team’s ministry activities for this calendar year. The Cooperative Program and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® (LMCO) fully fund our living expenses. The goal amount resets every January 1st. All gifts completed through this form are directed to our team’s ministry strategy.
100% of all gifts received are used overseas as we reach the unreached with the gospel together. Click here to learn how this is made possible through the Cooperative Program.
Team Efforts
Giving to one of our specific team efforts allows us to know what you are excited to see God complete within our ministry. Occasionally, we may need to redeploy gifts within our team strategy as urgent opportunities arise, as we do our best to follow God's leading, or adjust to changing international contexts. Any gifts received beyond the posted goal go toward a similar project or our team support.
100% of all gifts received are used overseas as we reach the unreached with the gospel together. Click here to learn how this is made possible through the Cooperative Program.
Team Support
Our living expenses are fully provided by generous churches and individuals participating in the Cooperative Program and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® (LMCO).
These gifts enable us to remain on mission without interruption.
Your support is a partnership with these churches, providing for us and our colleagues through LMCO.
Our team receives recognition when partners give below to make our presence here possible.
The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® is a registered trademark of WMU.