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West Africa Region of Sub-Saharan Africa

Partner with us to reach the unreached peoples of West Africa and empower believers to share the gospel with their communities and beyond.

About Team

About West Africa Region of Sub-Saharan Africa

The International Mission Board’s (IMB) work in West Africa is a vital mission, focused on engaging the lost with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ, making disciples among the West African people groups, and equipping Baptist churches and entities to embrace their roles in the Great Commission. Our cluster of IMB missionary teams is spread across all sixteen countries within West Africa, working tirelessly to plant the seeds of faith in a region where a just under 2% of the population is evangelical Christian. In places with established churches, we come alongside to equip them for kingdom advance, to strengthening their capacity to reach out to those who have not yet heard the gospel. Where churches are not yet established, we initiate and foster relationships with locals to share the good news, make disciples, and cultivate a network of believers willing to the same. In addition, we mobilize laborers from the other nations to serve as missionaries in West Africa. In a region with a strong Muslim population in the north and heavy animistic population in the south, your partnership is vital to catalyzing gospel work among these people groups. Your gift will play a pivotal role in empowering local believers and churches with the knowledge and tools to study, understand, and effectively share the Word of God and sending out laborers into the harvest field. This intensive discipleship is conducted in major hub cities, but also extends to decentralized locations for better access to all believers. We also travel to countries currently without IMB missionaries, preparing to send West African missionaries to take the gospel to these cities, towns, and villages. Additionally, your partnership will broaden outreach efforts through survey work and gospel presentations in locations where the church has not yet been established. Join us in this exciting mission of taking the gospel where the name of Christ is not known and building up the local body of Christ so they will lead in making disciples and planting churches. Together under the guidance of God’s Spirit, we will see the kingdom of God come across West Africa!
The International Mission Board’s (IMB) work in West Africa is a vital mission, focused on engaging the lost with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ, making disciples among the West African people groups, and equipping Baptist churches and entities to embrace their roles in the Great Commission. Our cluster of IMB missionary teams is spread across all sixteen countries within West Africa, working tirelessly to plant the seeds of faith in a region where a just under 2% of the population is evangelical Christian.

In places with established churches, we come alongside to equip them for kingdom advance, to strengthening their capacity to reach out to those who have not yet heard the gospel. Where churches are not yet established, we initiate and foster relationships with locals to share the good news, make disciples, and cultivate a network of believers willing to the same. In addition, we mobilize laborers from the other nations to serve as missionaries in West Africa.

In a region with a strong Muslim population in the north and heavy animistic population in the south, your partnership is vital to catalyzing gospel work among these people groups. Your gift will play a pivotal role in empowering local believers and churches with the knowledge and tools to study, understand, and effectively share the Word of God and sending out laborers into the harvest field. This intensive discipleship is conducted in major hub cities, but also extends to decentralized locations for better access to all believers. We also travel to countries currently without IMB missionaries, preparing to send West African missionaries to take the gospel to these cities, towns, and villages. Additionally, your partnership will broaden outreach efforts through survey work and gospel presentations in locations where the church has not yet been established.

Join us in this exciting mission of taking the gospel where the name of Christ is not known and building up the local body of Christ so they will lead in making disciples and planting churches. Together under the guidance of God’s Spirit, we will see the kingdom of God come across West Africa!
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2025 West Africa Region of Sub-Saharan Africa Goal

$50 raised in 2025
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Team Projects

Support Specific Opportunities

Gifts toward specific efforts show us what you are excited about. Occasionally, we may redeploy gifts as we follow God's leading with urgent opportunities or changing international contexts. Any gifts received beyond the goal go toward a similar project or our team support.

West African Missionary Trainings

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As African churches send missionaries to the ends of the earth, we partner with them by providing training in cross-cultural ministry. Missionaries sent out by West African Baptist churches and mission entities receive training in church planting, especially within heavily Muslim contexts. Your gift will underwrite training expenses, making this training affordable and accessible to African missionaries.

$0 raised in 2025

Aid for the Persecuted Church in West Africa

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Attacks are regularly carried out against churches and Christians in various parts of West Africa. Your gift will provide aid to persecuted Christians by providing trauma healing care and helping them rebuild burned-down homes and purchase basic food supplies.

$0 raised in 2025

Missionary Strategies for Countries Without IMB Personnel

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While we are thankful for the IMB missionary teams serving in many countries across West Africa, seven countries do not have any IMB personnel. Yet we have great opportunities to partner with Baptist churches in these locations! Your gift will train, empower, and send African missionaries to engage lostness and plant churches in these countries where we have no IMB teams.

$0 raised in 2025

Strategic Planning to Engage Lostness

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Once a year, IMB leadership in the West Africa region comes together for strategy development and planning, encouragement, and refocusing. This leadership meeting sets the pace for IMB work across West Africa to engage lostness. Your gift will provide travel, lodging, and meals for this critical annual meeting.

$0 raised in 2025

Collaboration with Baptist Partners

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IMB leadership in West Africa has the privilege of joining the Baptist entities of our West African brothers and sisters as they gather at convention meetings, trainings, and celebrations. Your gift will help us participate in these gatherings and provide small financial assistance as our Baptist co-laborers plan these events. These gatherings are critical for us to plan how we can together address lostness across West Africa.

$0 raised in 2025

Leadership Workshops for Team Leaders

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Across West Africa, the IMB has team leaders who develop local mission strategy, supervise IMB personnel on their teams, engage non-believers with the gospel, and tackle administrative tasks. These team leaders need ongoing training to develop these leadership skills. Your gift will cover the costs of an annual leadership workshop for all team leaders.

$0 raised in 2025

Training Center for National Laborers

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A training center is needed to equip more people to reach the people groups of West Africa. Your gift will develop the center's infrastructure and offer courses that teach believers how to plant new churches in unreached areas. The center will specifically mobilize West African believers and non-Americans who come here as missionaries. Your support will catalyze the spread of the gospel to places where it has never been heard!

$0 raised in 2025
Team Updates

West Africa Region of Sub-Saharan Africa Updates

Goal Amount

The goal represents the cost of our team’s ministry activities for this calendar year. The Cooperative Program and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® (LMCO) fully fund our living expenses. The goal amount resets every January 1st. All gifts completed through this form are directed to our team’s ministry strategy.

100% of all gifts received are used overseas as we reach the unreached with the gospel together. Click here to learn how this is made possible through the Cooperative Program.

Team Efforts

Giving to one of our specific team efforts allows us to know what you are excited to see God complete within our ministry. Occasionally, we may need to redeploy gifts within our team strategy as urgent opportunities arise, as we do our best to follow God's leading, or adjust to changing international contexts. Any gifts received beyond the posted goal go toward a similar project or our team support.

100% of all gifts received are used overseas as we reach the unreached with the gospel together. Click here to learn how this is made possible through the Cooperative Program.

Team Support

Our living expenses are fully provided by generous churches and individuals participating in the Cooperative Program and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® (LMCO). These gifts enable us to remain on mission without interruption. Your support is a partnership with these churches, providing for us and our colleagues through LMCO. Our team receives recognition when partners give below to make our presence here possible.

The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® is a registered trademark of WMU.

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