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2025 NAME Gateway: Arid Triangle

  • Location: North Africa
  • People Group: Northern African and Middle Eastern Peoples
  • Date: May 27, 2025 - Jul 19, 2025
  • Cost: $2,900 + airfare, insurance & visa costs
  • Trip Reference Number: 37905


Join us on the frontlines in one of the most vastly unreached areas of this North African country. We are seeking to reach 3.2 million North African Arabs. Among these 3.2 million, 99.9% are Muslim. There are only an estimated 15-25 believers and considering this, our current primary task and strategy is to prayerfully and broadly share the good news, using the gospel itself as the filter to find the people God is already preparing. Within this strategy, we focus primarily on three main coastal cities because people come from the countryside and surrounding villages to these cities for work, tourism, medical needs, education, etc. However, we also want to gain access to the surrounding, unengaged rural areas; through focusing on reaching college aged students that come from the countryside to study and gaining access to countryside communities. You will be playing a vital role in our team goal and strategy as you seek to engage this strategic segment of the population - college-aged students. You will be serving our team through helping put on English camps and traveling with our team to some our other focus cities and engaging with people along the way. As a team, we believe and live in the light of the truth that, "faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." Expect to be boldly sharing the gospel at every opportunity, that others might hear and live!