Go Impact Summer Youth Celebration (SYC)

  • Location: Three Hills, Alberta CANADA
  • People Group: European Peoples
  • Date: Jul 19, 2025 - Jul 27, 2025
  • Cost: $500 + airfare, insurance & visa costs
  • Trip Reference Number: 50287

Note: This is a Go Impact trip request intended for youth groups, and only a youth group leader should register. After you complete your own application, which includes references and a background check, you can adopt the trip by reserving at least five seats (places) and paying a deposit of $100 per person. You can add names later and reserve more seats as needed. The trip is not considered adopted and will remain open to others until you pay the deposits.

Go Impact trips are a packaged opportunity that includes personal coaching, a direct connection with the host missionary, a travel agent and training resources. To learn more, go to imb.org/goimpact.


We are requesting a mission teamwith associational youth camp, Summer Youth Celebration (SYC). This is a ministry of CNBC Midwest (Canadian National Baptist Convention), which covers all of Alberta. The dates are July 20-26, 2025 at Prairie College in Three Hills, Alberta. We anticipate somewhere between 300-350 campers grades 6-12.