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Media Team and College Outreach, Lisbon Portugal

  • Location: Lisbon, Portugal
  • People Group: European Peoples
  • Date: May 18, 2025 - Jun 29, 2025
  • Cost: $4,000 + airfare, insurance & visa costs
  • Trip Reference Number: 48173


Lisbon is the capitol city of Portugal and has a metro population close to 3 million. Less than 1% of the Portuguese people are evangelical and believe in Jesus like we do (2% with immigrants). So many people need to hear the good news. This team would be helping several church plants and churches by developing videos, updating Web pages and helping with content for social media to help get the gospel out to more people in creative ways. The team would also be engaged in college ministry--evangelistic surveys and fun outreach events. In the evenings and on weekends the team would help with some outreach events geared toward children, teens and college students and do some prayer walking. By the end of the trip, we hope to have developed a set of 7 short videos telling basic Bible stories in Portuguese to use as parts of our Stories of Hope Bible discovery groups a video of the 3 circles gospel presentation in Portuguese short videos of the message of Easter and Christmas a virtual prayer walk video of the city short interviews with some Portuguese church planters to use during mission moments with US partners updated the Encontro church plant Web page created some easy templates for use updating Web sites and social media for people on the field to have an easy system to use to keep posting regularly a set of stock photography to use Outreach events will include some weekend family block parties and an end of the year party, a study break for students.