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NT4Teens: Philippine Islands

  • Location: Philippines
  • People Group: Asian and Pacific Rim Peoples
  • Date: Jun 05, 2025 - Jun 29, 2025
  • Cost: $1,200 + airfare, insurance & visa costs
  • Trip Reference Number: 46852


The Philippine tourism slogan is “It's more fun in the Philippines,” so for sure, while you work & minister, you will have fun getting to know the Filipinos of the Philippine Islands. The beautiful islands with their hospitable people are common tourist destinations, but few are going there to share the gospel. Some on these islands are religious but are still not sure of their salvation. As a team, you will work together, spending time in villages, learning about culture, sharing your lives & sharing the gospel through testimonies, drama, sports & music. The Philippines is still a harvest field so come help us harvest on these islands. The Philippines is also becoming a harvest force. Through your ministry, you will help encourage the local churches in making disciples and becoming better senders. Your team will spend off days swimming at a local beach, in a natural cold spring or underneath a 160’ waterfall. You may even get to hike to the top of Hibok-Hibok mountain, which is still an active volcano! After being accepted to this project, students (ages 14-17) & adult leaders (ages 21 & above) will be placed on ministry & work teams of 10-12. Adults will be required to complete pre-field leader training (via email/on-line). Participants will have preparation assignments before attending orientation from June 5-June 10 at the Nehemiah Teams Training Center in Mentone, Alabama. From orientation, your team will be transported directly to the Birmingham airport for your international travel. Your final destination will be either Camiguin or Soccoro island. From the airport, you will ride a “jeepney” to your home for the trip. From your “base camp” you will minister in several villages for the next 16 days. You will have a 2 day on-field debrief with other NT4Teens before flying home to America. Applicants ages 18-20 will not be accepted but will be asked to apply instead for a full summer Nehemiah Teams project.