Intersecting the lives of tens of thousands of travelers each season, Project Northern Lights is the largest flow of physical gospel resources into N0rthern Afrika. For decades, teams of volunteers have faithfully offered the Word of G0d to seafaring travelers along the Mediterranean coast. For many travelers, this is the first time they've had the opportunity to receive a copy of Scripture. Praise God for the opportunity to offer the Bible or Scripture to N0rth Afrikan men and women. Volunteers Teams will also participate in distribution/evangelism in multiple city locations, sharing the Gospel through the power of the HS and leaving the results to G0d. This is a Pr@yer Project that also distributes. Volunteers will participate in Pr@yer W@lks through out the city preparing the soil for the sowing of the Word. Pray with us that all who receive God’s Word would read it and discover the offer of salvation through Jesus.