Project Northern Lights (PNL) is an evangelistic distribution/evangelism campaign held in European ports on the Mediterranean coast since the 90s. Reaching as many as 12,000 travelers each summer, it is the single largest opportunity for the Gospel to flow into North Africa. Join other believers for 11 days of orientation, training, and ministry for one of the 4 summer sessions. Our Summer Staff of volunteers will mentor, model, disciple and help train you in Evangelism, Distribution and Prayer Walking. During this session, you will be trained and equipped to share the material and will experience God first-hand as you share the Gospel and Pray for the people. You will have the opportunity to share face-to-face with many in multiple locations around our city during city distribution and prayer walking. You will be working in a large multi-cultural city of multiple religions. Our goal is to broadly sow the seed to prepare the soil for G0d to use our team to cultivate and reap the harvest throughout the year. Your participation in this ministry is only a portion of the work done throughout the year but a vital one. Your day could start as early as 2:30 in the morning and as late as 9:00 am. You will get to worship with the Summer Staff and a local church. The weather is normally hot and relatively humid. You will be expected to be on your feet for 2-3 hours at a time, walking, standing, and climbing stairs. You need to be in good physical health.