A team of 6 students will engage Eastern Europe, specifically in cities where we either do not have IMB personnel or we have no idea what the state of the M-task there is. It will be a 6 week trip and the students will be somewhat in charge of their schedule. IMB provides them with cities to visit, training, and questions to answer about the cities. IMB instructs them on how to get EURO Rail passes for travel, and give them connections to book hostels to stay in. IMB trains them ahead of the departure to Budapest, and that training will include Entry, EV, and Discipleship training for them (4-1-1 plus some entry ideas). IMB will also train the teams in running in two lanes: Lane 1 would be harvest field evangelism while Lane 2 would be how to interview local church leadership on the state of their work in a positive way. The actual cities and UPG/UUPG regions will be announced later.