A baker pulls fresh loaves of bread out of the oven in Cairo, Egypt.
A baker pulls fresh loaves of bread out of the oven in Cairo, Egypt.
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Situated in the very heart of Montmartre, one of the most famous squares of all of Paris, Place du Tertre, which is world-famous for its painters, cafés and ambiance. IMB Photo
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A man tends to the plants on the balcony of one of the many restaurants in Paris. IMB Photo
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A customer shops in a Jewish bakery in the Le Marais, which means “The Marsh.” Le Maraisis a trendy area of Paris that is now home to many art galleries, trendy shops and many of the city’s Jewish community. The area was once the largest Jewish community in Europe, but 75% of the population died in concentration camps. IMB Photo
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An artist in Place du Tertre takes time to perfect a painting. Place du Tertre is situated in the very heart of Montmartre, one of the most famous squares of all of Paris. Place du Tertre is world-famous for its painters, cafés and ambiance. IMB Photo
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A mime performs for tourists at the Place du Tertre. Situated in the very heart of Montmartre, Place du Tertre is one of the most famous squares in Paris. Place du Tertreis world-famous for its painters, cafés and ambiance. IMB Photo
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A painter adds to his painting in Place du Tertre. Situated in the very heart of Montmartre, Place du Tertre is one of the most famous squares in Paris. The square is world-famous for its painters, cafés and ambiance. IMB Photo
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An artist in Place du Tertre poses for a photo. Situated in the very heart of Montmartre, the square is one of the most famous in Paris. The square is world-famous for its painters, cafés and ambiance. IMB Photo
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An artist smiles for a photo in Place du Tertre. Situated in the very heart of Montmartre, Place du Tertre is one of the most famous squares in Paris. The square is world-famous for its painters, cafés and ambiance. IMB Photo
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A Turkish tailor and shop owner in Paris, along with his family (not shown), met with a group from First Baptist Church of Rogers, Arkansas, when the church visited Paris. The church is working with the Turks in France. IMB Photo
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Auto rickshaws in front of a slum in Mumbai, India.
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Portrait of an Indian man on the bridge over the Yamuna River in Prayagraj, India, during the Ardh Kumbh Mela religious festival.
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Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple on a hazy morning in New Delhi, India. The Hindu temple is a spiritual and cultural campus in New Delhi, India. The complex displays millennia of traditional Hindu and Indian culture, spirituality and architecture.
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A groundskeeper sweeps leaves at the ancient Agra Fort in Agra, India. The fort was the main residence of the emperors of the Mughal Dynasty until 1638, when the capital was shifted from Agra to Delhi. The Agra Fort is close to its famous sister monument, the Taj Mahal.
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A Bhutanese man paints a prayer wheel in the courtyard of a museum and temple in the Tang Valley in the Kingdom of Bhutan.
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A woman walks in the Bumthang District of the Kingdom of Bhutan.
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People work outside their home in the Bumthang District of the Kingdom of Bhutan.
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A Bhutanese woman carries a heavy load in the Haa Valley of the Kingdom of Bhutan.
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Portrait of a man at an archery tournament in the Haa Valley in the Kingdom of Bhutan.
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A man leads his sheep down a road outside of Bangalore, India.
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