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Tag: south america

A Peruvian national shares his faith on the streets of Huancané, Peru using the EvangeCube, an evangelistic tool that clearly presents the gospel of Jesus Christ. At an evangelism training hosted by IMB missionaries, many learned how to share their faith for the first time. IMB Photo

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Collection: Americas, Religion
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A village leader navigates his boat up a tributary of the Amazon River to his village in the Ecuadorian jungle. Project 3000 will travel to remote villages like this one. IMB Photo

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Under a mosquito net, an IMB missionary works with a local believer to prepare their oral storying assignment during a three-month training in the jungles of Peru. The training is for new team recruits, both American and Latin American, who are preparing to serve in remote locations throughout South America. IMB Photo

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An IMB missionary leads a Bible study discussion in a home near Rioverde, Ecuador. Southern Baptists send IMB missionaries to be steadfastly present among those who have never heard the gospel — people in cities, people in hard-to-reach places and people who are dispersed and displaced around the world. IMB Photo

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A student missionary, left, talks with his Quechua (Peruvian) friend in front of the village’s municipal building. Student pathways are a key component of the IMB’s strategies to reach the nations. IMB Photo

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A sprawling scenic view of Bogotá, Columbia, the capital city. It’s one of the highest capitals in the world – located at around 8,660 feet above sea level – and also has an urban population of nearly 10 million spilling across the Andes mountains and the savannah. IMB Photo

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Collection: Americas, Landscapes
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A scenic view of Bogotá, the capital city of Columbia. Thirteen of the 100 most populous cities in the world are located in the Americas. IMB Photo

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Collection: Americas, Landscapes
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Thousands of people from Venezuela cross into Colombia, leaving behind the only home they have ever known. Refugees secure whatever they can carry in their hands or on their backs before making the long journey. Venezuela lost electricity and gas, and the currency was devalued to the point of being completely useless. Food isn’t easily available and health care is nonexistent.

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Collection: Americas
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Pedro Farinango and his daughter, Maria Soila, stand in front of Iglesia Bautista Cordero de Dios in Canar, Ecuador. Farinango became a Christian in 1975 through a Christian radio broadcast.

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Collection: Americas
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A volunteer from a Deaf Baptist church in the U.S. signs to an American sign language interpreter on a public bus in Buenos Aires, Argentina, during a volunteer trip.

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Two volunteers from a Deaf Baptist church in the U.S. sign to one another during a volunteer trip to Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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A Deaf volunteer team from the U.S. chat on the street in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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Deaf short-term volunteers from the U.S. traveled to serve in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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A Deaf Christian in Montevideo, Uruguay, communicates with an IMB missionary.

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An IMB missionary communicates with a Deaf Christian in Montevideo, Uruguay.

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An IMB missionary leads a discipleship group for the Deaf once a week in Montevideo, Uruguay.

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A Deaf Christian in Montevideo, Uruguay, with other Deaf Christians.

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An IMB missionary leads a discipleship group for the Deaf once a week in Montevideo, Uruguay.

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A Deaf Christian in Montevideo, Uruguay, communicates with a fellow Deaf believer about a Bible passage.

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Collection: Deaf, Religion
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A Deaf Christian in Montevideo, Uruguay, retells the Bible story of Moses and the burning bush after an IMB missionary, right, shared the story using pictures.

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