
Pray for missions.

Cover of the Ramadan Prayer Guide, showing a Muslim man praying.

Ramadan Prayer Guide

Most of the world's 1.6 billion Muslims observe Ramadan each year.

Pray for Muslims around the world as they celebrate Ramadan March 10 - April 9, 2024.

Download the PDF

Tuesday, April 16 2024
South Asian Peoples

South Asian Unengaged Peoples

Please pray for the Lakhera people who live in the state of Haryana, India. With a population of 6,500, this unengaged, unreached people group is in desperate need of hearing the gospel. Ask God to raise up harvest laborers to find Lakhera people and share the gospel with them.

Tuesday, April 16 2024
South Asian Peoples

Punjabis of Pakistan

(pun-JAH-bees) - Pakistan is a beautiful country that has a rich landscape and culture. The Punjab province and its people (called Punjabis) is one that can be traced back hundreds of years! However, during that time, few Punjabis have come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior. Ask the Lord to pour out His Spirit on the Punjabi people. Pray that many Punjabis will be disenchanted with their own spiritual condition, recognizing that the efforts they are putting forth in their religion is only returning empty and void. Pray that true salvation will come to many Punjabi people and a mighty movement for God's kingdom will occur!

Tuesday, April 16 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples

Peoples of Northern Maluku Islands, Indonesia

(mah-LOO-koo) - Believers in northern Maluku province have engaged and shared the gospel with over 1,500 people in the last 18 months! Many are closed and flatly reject the gospel, but others are open to hear more. And the number of people who want to hear more is growing. Pray for believers in northern Maluku province as they pray for this growing number of people. Pray for the team as they seek to lead more people to saving faith in Christ.

Tuesday, April 16 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples

Pedi of South Africa

(PEH-dee) - Join the stateside coordinator for the Pedi in lifting these needs before the throne: "Pray that existing Pedi churches that are preaching the truth of the gospel will be healthy, that God will raise up leaders for these existing churches, and that new churches will be planted in areas where no churches exist. Pray for the wellbeing of the Pedi pastors in the Sekhukhuneland area of Limpopo province, as well as the others elsewhere in South Africa and in Zimbabwe. Pray that the truth of God's Word will penetrate and overcome the many different false doctrines that confront the Pedi people. Pray for the opportunity to return to South Africa."

Tuesday, April 16 2024
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples

Northern African and Middle Eastern Peoples

Two tourists wander around the malls of Dubai and meet shopkeepers from the Philippines. They eat at a restaurant in Doha and speak to a waiter from Kenya. At a gas station in Abu Dhabi, their car is filled with gas by an attendant from Nepal. In Kuwait City, their hotel attendant is from India. A list like this could go on and on. In the cities of the Arabian Gulf are employees from literally all over the globe. Pray for them today as they serve the citizens of those countries, asking that they will do their jobs well and, in return, be treated with favor. Many of them see their families back home only every couple of years, so intercede for their struggles with loneliness. Pray that they will hear of God's love for them and hear the message of salvation through Christ in their own language. Ask that they will accept that message, form into groups, and grow in faith. Pray that they will eventually be witnesses for Him to all those around them, even to their employers.

Tuesday, April 16 2024
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples

Northern African and Middle Eastern Peoples

As conflicts continue to escalate in the Middle East, please pray for peace in the region. Pray for protection of those in danger, and pray that local believers will take every opportunity to share the love of Christ with those who are suffering and afraid.

Tuesday, April 16 2024
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples

North Africans/Middle Easterners, Northern France

Nourdean has had many encouraging conversations with believers and many opportunities to hear the gospel. He is blind and considers himself to be a Muslim. Recently, he heard the story of Jesus healing a paralytic man: "And they came, bringing to him a paralytic carried by four men. And when they could not get near him because of the crowd, they removed the roof above him, and when they had made an opening, they let down the bed on which the paralytic lay. And when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, 'Son, your sins are forgiven'" (Mark 2:3-5 ESV). Nourdean loved this story, thinking that everything Jesus did sounded exciting and seemed to be true. He was surprised that Jesus had the power to forgive sins. Praise God for this man's openness to hearing accounts from the Bible and his excitement about the gospel! Pray for his eyes to be opened, for his mind to be enlightened to the truth, and for him to understand that he cannot earn his way to heaven with good deeds. May he truly know the Savior, clearly understanding who Jesus is and why He came. Pray that he will put his faith in Jesus.

Tuesday, April 16 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples

Niamey, Niger

(NEE-ah-may) - In March 2023, you were asked to pray for a small group of believers who were meeting together in Niamey and wanted to form into a church. Please continue interceding for this group. Pray for the missionaries and local partners as they consider what would be most helpful to equip this group to move forward in forming a church. Pray for the small group to be bold as they live out their faith among their Muslim neighbors.

Tuesday, April 16 2024
American Peoples

Map People of Northern Brazil

Please pray for the newly elected female chief of the Map People's reservation. She is already making some good changes that will help her people. Pray for her discernment in making hard decisions and policies, too. Ask that she will lead those in her charge well and with integrity.

Tuesday, April 16 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples

City of Soldiers, China

As the religious landscape has changed in many ways throughout this city, with it being much more difficult for Christians to meet, the gospel has not changed. Because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, pray that brothers and sisters will continue to meet for worship weekly, grow stronger in their personal walks with Christ, and look for ways to share the gospel with others so that many will come to know the King of the universe.

Tuesday, April 16 2024
Central Asian Peoples

Central Asian Peoples

Workers ask: "Please lift up our team as we partner with a local fellowship to help them develop goals that will allow them to grow into a healthy fellowship in the areas of discipleship and outreach. Second, please intercede for this same fellowship as we come alongside them and prepare for summer volunteer teams from the United States. We are seeking to know the Father's desire for all of us as we collaborate and serve together in a way that will advance His kingdom here in this region."

Tuesday, April 16 2024
South Asian Peoples

Bangalore, India

(BANG-ah-lohr) - Please pray that believers in the city of Bangalore will understand what it means to be "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for [God's] own possession" and that they will take seriously the charge to "proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light" (1 Peter 2:9 ESV). Pray that believers will rise up in their priesthood and see themselves as part of God's plan to reach their lost neighbors. Ask that animosity and divisions will melt away in the light of the truth of the gospel. Pray for hearts that are supple to learn, eager to share their testimonies, and bold to share the gospel.

Pray for Requests Worldwide