Friday, April 19 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Pretoria, South Africa

(pri-TOR-ee-uh) - In April, missionaries Daniel and Sky Scott will be training believers in a house church in a wealthy part of Pretoria. "Our training will consist of three ideas: First, our identity in Christ means that we are not only new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17), but every one of us are ambassadors for His kingdom! As believers, we must represent the interests of the kingdom of God 'whether we want to or not' (as one trainee in our last session expressed it). If we are true followers of Jesus, then it is our assigned duty to follow and to fish (Mark 1:17)! We can't bask in our 'made-newness' and not be an ambassador. We can't be content just to follow Jesus and not fish. Second, in our training, we ask people to make lists of who they know who is 'far from God.' We prayerfully consider whom God has put into their life for such a time as to hear the gospel! Finally, we train believers to tell the simple gospel story using the '3 Circles' gospel presentation method. Pray for believers in Pretoria to be enabled by the Holy Spirit to speak His Word with great boldness (Acts 4:29)!"
Friday, April 19 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Conakry, Guinea

(KON-ah-kree) - "As believers, we have all been called to go and make disciples, no matter where we live or who we are. For believers in Conakry, Guinea, where they make up a mere 1% of the population, this task can be quite daunting, especially as many of them question how to share their faith in a predominantly Muslim context. Our team has focused one aspect of our ministry on seeing healthy churches built up who are then sending believers from their congregation out to share with their own friends, family, and co-workers. But in order to have healthy churches faithfully sending out disciple makers, they must have biblically qualified leaders shepherding the body and teaching sound doctrine. Three times a year, a team of visiting theological teachers spend a week with local pastors, teaching them and strengthening them in their role as a pastor. Would you pray for this time of teaching this spring, asking that these pastors will grow in their understanding of God's Word as well as in their role as shepherd? Pray, also, that these teachers will understand well the needs of the culture they are addressing."
Thursday, April 18 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Theological Education in Uganda

"In March, we hosted a team of volunteers who wanted to use their dental or medical skills and their passion to serve and minister to the needs of people in physical ways while also encouraging a local church in its evangelism efforts and outreach to its community," writes the Uganda Baptist Seminary Team. "Will you pray for the many people who were blessed in physical ways to continue seeking spiritual life? Please intercede for the local churches as they continue to follow up, encourage, disciple, and share the true message of the gospel with the community around them. People in this area hear many messages of what God or Christianity should be doing for them and how they can make it 'work' for them and their genuine needs. Pray that they will see the deeper need for grace and love as they live life now and the hope they can have for eternity."
Thursday, April 18 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Maputo, Mozambique: Capital City and Province

(mah-POO-too) - "It's early on a Sunday morning as I head to church. I see hundreds and hundreds of people on the beach and in the water. 'This, is not normal,' I think to myself. 'What is going on? It's 6:30 in the morning!' I came to learn that the Zion National Church, a false religion, comes together to be baptized, perform rituals, dance, cleanse themselves of their sins, and get into good standing with God before the new year. This large event happens once a year, but now every Wednesday and Saturday, I see smaller groups striving to purify themselves in the same manner. But, praise God, just a couple of days later, down the beach a little ways, our church baptized a husband and wife who were living in sin, heard the gospel, repented of their sins, and chose to follow Christ! Please be praying that Christ will continue to reveal Himself through His Word and that Mozambicans will no longer try to save themselves through traditional rituals but come to understand that salvation is by grace and through faith in Christ alone."
Wednesday, April 17 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Nsenga of Zambia and Mozambique

(n-SANG-uh) - Please pray for the Nsenga churches to seek the Lord in all decisions. "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him" (James 1:5 ESV). Pray for their leaders to be humble. "But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Matthew 20:26-28 ESV).