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Thursday, February 6 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Peoples of Northern Maluku Islands, Indonesia

(mah-LOO-koo) - Pray for God to bring young workers to serve among the peoples of North Maluku and help with educating the children of other missional believers in this area.

Thursday, February 6 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Osaka, Japan

(OH-sah-kah) - "Thank you to everyone who has prayed for the biblical counselling training that started two years ago and was held every six months. Our last one was completed on December 7, and five people have already received certificates. There are others who will receive certificates after they complete their homework. Pray for those who still have homework to complete, and that those who have already completed the training will use what they have learned to give people help and hope using the Word of God in their lives. We will have a follow-up gathering on February 8 to encourage one another and to ask each other questions about how the training has been useful in counseling."

Thursday, February 6 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples

In recent years, materialism and the false teachings of the prosperity gospel have become more appealing to Christians in many Asia-Pacific Rim countries. Pray for Christians to desire to know God more, genuinely turn from sin, and develop a closer, more intimate relationship with Jesus. Ask God to help them see their need for Him and avoid worldly temptations. Pray Christians will know His Word so well that they easily recognize false teaching. Ask God to raise up humble leaders within churches who are unafraid to speak the truth and who will teach God's Word without compromise. Pray God will give Christians hearts to obey his Word and walk in the Spirit so they may mature and learn to live godly lives.

Wednesday, February 5 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Yangon, Myanmar

(yan-GONG) - Praise God that thousands of people heard the gospel in Yangon last Christmas! Believers held Christmas parties where they told the Christmas story and explained that God sent a Savior to the world. Men, women, and children heard the gospel for the first time. Pray for believers as they follow up with people who show an interest in learning more.

Wednesday, February 5 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
People of Southern Taiwan

Chinese New Year, with all its traditions, family gatherings, and festivities, has just ended. The first month of the Lunar calendar has now begun. Many people have hopes and dreams for a better year--a year of success and prosperity, which will finally bring satisfaction and a sense of purpose to their lives. Please pray that this will be a year when many across southern Taiwan will come to know Jesus, the only One who can satisfy and meet the deepest longings of their hearts.
