Saturday, January 25 2025
Central Asian Peoples
Turks of Istanbul, Turkey

(is-tan-BULL) - Zara was raised in a Muslim family but taught that she should decide for herself what was true. In her mid-50s, she remembered this family value and began searching for truth. She eventually came across a Christian website that offered a free Bible and other gospel resources. After searching the booklets and reading the New Testament that she received, she had many questions. Soon thereafter, a believer reached out to see if she had received the books and needed any help. When the message came through, she had just prayed and asked God if there was anyone who could answer all her questions! This confirmed to her the Bible's truth and God's desire to have a personal relationship with her through Jesus Christ. After a few more months of her personal journey, she officially believed in Jesus as God and His death on the cross and resurrection as the means to her forgiveness of sins and salvation. Pray for Zara to continue to grow in her faith and to find a fellowship of believers with whom to meet.
Saturday, January 25 2025
South Asian Peoples
South Asians in Africa

Please pray for a church in East Africa that will be taking a "vision trip" to South Asia. This will be the first time for a church from East Africa to do such a mission trip! Ask for angels to keep them safe while going to South Asia and while coming back to East Africa. Lift up the prayerwalking and the planting of seeds that they will be doing. Pray for a fruitful trip. Pray for a harvest. Pray that they will begin sending their own harvest workers to South Asia!

Saturday, January 25 2025
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Pretoria, South Africa

(pri-TOR-ee-uh) - The prosperity gospel is a pandemic in Pretoria! So-called "churches" that preach a gospel of health, wealth, and prosperity seem to be in every part of the capital city of South Africa. These "churches" are packed with people pining for the truth. The Word of Faith movement has captivated many Pretorians' minds and is blinding them to the truth of Jesus Christ. Please pray with missionaries Daniel and Sky Scott and ask Jesus to reveal His truth! "We pray that Pretorians 'may know [You] and the power of [Your] resurrection, and may share [Your] sufferings, becoming like [You] in [Your] death' (Philippians 3:10 ESV). Lord, we ask You to silence false teachers and those who deceive people with words that are not from You. Holy Spirit, we ask You to call forth true believers who seek Your face and not just Your blessing, for 'behold, you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart' (Psalm 51:6 ESV)."
Saturday, January 25 2025
American Peoples
Panama Mobilization

"Join our Panama Mobilization Team in praying for our ongoing mission to reach Panama with the gospel! We're interceding for God's guidance in building strong and fruitful relationships with Panamanian church planters that are rooted in trust, mutual respect, and a shared passion for God's kingdom."

Saturday, January 25 2025
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples
Midtown, Northern Africa

Noora has spent her life feeling oppressed by the expectations of her Muslim identity and the treatment she receives from the men around her. Having been mistreated first by her father and then by her husband, she is now divorced and living back in her parents' home. Noora has secretly left Islam, but she still believes in God and wants to worship Him. She sees all religion as an imperfect cultural expression of worship and wants to find her own way to worship, separate from any one belief system. She is meeting regularly with two believing friends who are trying to express to her the truth of the Bible and the need she has for a relationship with Jesus--not as a Christian cultural expression of worship, but as the only means to salvation and a relationship with God. Pray that Noora will find peace and understanding in Christ.

Saturday, January 25 2025
Multiple Affinities
Last Frontier

Please pray for some people of an unreached people group (UPG) who are being discipled. They started discipleship training classes but are now slow, even hesitant to complete the process. Please pray for them to resist temptations that would distract them from completing what they started. Pray for God to give them the faith and determination to finish. Since there are so few Christians in the UPG, there is a great need for maturing believers who are fruitful. Please pray for these to grow, mature, and bear much fruit.

Saturday, January 25 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Hanoi, Vietnam

(hah-NOY) - Please pray for the brothers and sisters serving in a local hospice ministry to be spiritually prepared as the hands and feet of Jesus. Thank God that they've successfully relocated to a new office! Every morning before work, they gather in the office for a group devotional and prayer. Pray that their time of fellowship will bring spiritual encouragement and wisdom as they share the gospel with patients in hospice care and their families. In their work, they also have opportunities to provide medical services to unreached people groups (UPGs) in Vietnam, so please pray that this will create opportunities for the gospel to be spread among UPGs.

Saturday, January 25 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Coffee People of Southeast Asia

How often do you respond to questions about your faith? Many Christians have questions from followers of the majority religion. They may lack confidence in how to answer. Landon is a young man with high skills in creating ads for social media. He has clients all over the world and is a proficient English speaker. A worker asked Landon for help creating digital content to share the gospel via social media platforms. The videos he posted of Bible stories and Christian-living issues have generated hundreds of thousands of views. Landon is able to respond to comments and questions. Please pray for the digital engagement strategy to help the local team gain access to people who are open to the gospel. Local people consume media from TikTok and Facebook for hours at a time. Pray for the team of digital responders to be full of grace and love as they serve people who ask for personal counseling online. Pray Christians will grow in their faith as they watch the content and share the videos with others.