(JAH-vuh) - Ask the Lord to grant believers in East Java the boldness to share the good news with their unbelieving neighbors, families, and friends. Pray that He will give them a vision to multiply beyond their worship gatherings and to see many others reached by the gospel. Pray for God to help all the believers there to have wisdom in knowing what their part should be in furthering the gospel in Indonesia. Amen.
(n-GO-knee) - "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you " (John 15:12 ESV). Jesus commanded His disciples to love one another, and He prayed for them to be as one. Please pray for the members of the Baptist churches among the Ngoni to be united and knit together in their love for one another. Pray for them to be ready and willing to care for one another as each one has a need.
http://www.imb.org/sub-saharan-africa/In March, you were asked to pray for biblical counseling training sessions. Three times a year, these in-person trainings are held to develop the needed muscle of biblical counseling within local churches to see people grow spiritually and help counsel others in spiritual health and growth. Each month in between, they meet and put into practice what they've learned. In July, some visiting believers came to lead the second in-person training of the year. It was a huge success! The participants were eager to take what they learned back to their churches. They felt encouraged and grew in their understanding of the need for biblical counseling. Please pray for the next training, which will occur in October. Some visiting believers will be taking ownership of leading it, so intercede for their preparation and travel. The interest in South India in biblical counseling has grown, so now a facility is needed in which to hold the trainings. Please pray for the right facility to be found. Also pray for the pastor, leaders, elders, and faithful church members who will be coming to the training. The topic for the next training will be marriage. Thank you for your prayers in this endeavor!
(KIR-giz) - Please intercede for the young men and women who met believers for the first time this summer. Local believers are trying to develop relationships with them and move on into biblical discussions. Petition the Father for opportunities to share, and ask Him for open hearts to receive His message.
centralasianpeoples@protonmail.comA group of Honey People translators meet regularly to work on translating the Old Testament into their heart language. This work is tedious and requires time, precision, and perseverance. Pray that each of the translators will have "unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind" (1 Peter 3:8 ESV) as they work together to get God's Word into the hands and hearts of Honey People. Pray that the hearts of the Honey People are, even now, being prepared to receive, understand, and believe what they will read one day in their heart language. Pray that they will come to faith in God.
(HOE-chee-men) - Mai was attending a weekly class when the discussion became focused on controlling emotions. During the discussion, Nam mentioned that consistently reading the Bible helps him focus on what God says about life, which provides sustaining hope even if the day has many challenges. Two weeks after this, Mai turned to Nam and said that she was approached by a co-worker of hers who wanted to give her a Bible. She remembered Nam sharing about how reading the Bible helped him, so she accepted the Bible and began reading some. When she told Nam about this, it spurred on more conversations after further classes. These conversations led to three more follow-up meetings. What Nam did not know at the time was that Mai was also experiencing repeated dreams of God calling out to her with outstretched arms. During the third meeting, she confirmed that she was ready to make the commitment to follow Jesus. Praise the Lord for the multiple ways He has worked in Mai's life, bringing her into new life in Christ! Pray for connection to a local church and discipleship to help her grow in her new faith.
http://reachingvietnam.com/ prayer@reachingvietnam.comA short-term volunteer Deaf team recently served in Senegal. One of their purposes was to minister to the ministry team in that West African country. Praise the Father for the much-needed encouragement and love they brought to the team! They also traveled out to a village to look for and share with Deaf. Please pray for those they came in contact with, asking that the Lord will continue working in their hearts as they remember the good news that was shared with them. As this volunteer team has now returned to the United States, ask that they will have hearts that are touched to reach Deaf Africans. Pray that what they have shared and done will grow to full fruition with the faithfulness of the Master Gardener. May Senegal be changed, and may His kingdom be enlarged!
The church began with two core members, Amine and Yassine. Others came after these two men, and some fell away while some stayed in the church. Unfortunately, Amine and Yassine had many differences of opinions and argued a lot. Bitterness took root in both of their lives, and Amine left the church due to unrepentant sin. Yassine still attends the church but has a strained relationship with Amine. At one time, these two had hope placed upon them and were invested in to become leaders of this congregation, but they have since disqualified themselves from leadership. This local church has been through many different seasons, some good and some bad. Pray for God to raise up a solid core group of people committed to each other and the Word. Ask Him to lead current leaders in wisdom, discernment, and unity as He grows His church. Lastly, please lift up these two men, asking that the Lord will move in their hearts, and pray for conviction, repentance, restoration, and healing of relationships to take place.
Pastor Shoko in Zimbabwe reports that he has planted several churches in rural eastern Zimbabwe. He also shares Christ with high school students at the local school in hopes of reaching the next generation. He says that the people have been hard hit by last year's drought, so many families are able to eat only one small meal a day. They have also been experiencing a drought of the true gospel of Jesus Christ. He has been leading evangelism and discipleship workshops to help the few believers reach the lost and disciple the saved. Pray that God will provide for the physical nourishment of the people. Ask that many will come to faith in Jesus and grow to spiritual maturity. Pray that they will "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18 ESV).
http://www.imb.org/sub-saharan-africa/ donna.j.fort@gmail.com"Pray for students in Birmingham, England. As school starts, homework clubs for grade years 1-6 will start back up as well as youth group for years 7-11. Also, there will be a plethora of returning and new university students that we will try to engage with in multiple avenues."
www.engageuki.com(BANG-ah-lohr) - Pray for the semiannual meeting of the governing board of Bangalore Baptist Hospital. Important decisions regarding leadership personnel are expected. Plans for hospital expansion and matters related to property will also be on the agenda. Pray for each board member and for Dr. Spurgeon, the hospital's director/CEO.
The Laven people of Laos (also called Boloven) live in southwest Laos on a fertile plateau. Coffee, cotton, and tobacco were once productive crops, but over the years a combination of things has negatively affected the land. Their agricultural skills have continued to develop with other crops being produced and sold as exports. They are also skilled woodworkers. Each Laven village has a headman who determines important matters, and families are led by the eldest male. A Buddhist influence is evident in their society, but it is more of an outer covering only. They actually follow traditional ethnic religions like ancestor worship and animism, believing that the spirits of their ancestors are actively involved with their lives and must be cared for. They also believe that objects of nature have spirits that can influence the direction of their lives. Will you pray for gospel access to these people, and for men especially to hear and believe? Turning from tradition is difficult, but when a male leader comes to faith, he could influence hundreds to do the same.
www.imb.org/adoptauupg pray4APAC@imb.org