"Join us in praising God for two young women who are currently preparing for ministry in South Korea through the two-year missionary program called Journeyman. Please pray for these two as they finish their training, leave home, and settle here next month to love, serve, and minister to refugees. Please pray for a good transition into the culture, language, community, and ministries. Pray for them to realize God's heart for the refugees and how God can use them to make a difference. Please pray for God to prepare the individuals they will share with to have open hearts to hear and believe the gospel. Please ask God to bless these two young women for His glory and that their witness here will mean more refugees becoming a part of God's family."
Thank the Lord that Send Relief was recently able to provide food for 200 families, including nearly 50 leper families and others in the surrounding villages. Namagera is home to a group of lepers who have been outcast and forgotten by most. They were not welcomed in community gatherings and were even asked to leave churches when they dared to enter them. Now the leper colony is a mini hub of the community. It began more than two years ago when the dire conditions of those living in the leper colony came to the attention of a young Ugandan man. He began to organize community support through International Mission Board missionaries to assist with unmet spiritual needs, medical care, food, and clothing. The help to the lepers opened doors to their larger community. God's presence has changed the people of Namagera! Villagers now join in worship with the lepers under a tarp right in the middle of the leper colony. Physical food has opened doors for spiritual healing and social acceptance in Namagera. Praise the Lord!
http://www.imb.org/sub-saharan-africa/The Sungor, a Muslim people, live in eastern Chad and number 67,500 in population. According to one source, Sungor means "send them away." This name was given to them by a neighboring people group who rejected them. Sungor men have often traveled across the border into Sudan to find employment, but the current war in Sudan is making that impossible. Instead, the Sudanese are fleeing into Chad. Rejected and struggling to provide for their families, the Sungor people need acceptance and hope. Pray for them to hear the good news of hope in Christ. Pray for believers to seek and find them, accepting the Sungor people as God's beloved. "As indeed he says in Hosea, 'Those who were not my people I will call "my people," and her who was not beloved I will call "beloved" ' " (Romans 9:25 ESV). Pray for the Sungor people to clearly understand and accept God's love for them.
www.imb.org/adoptauupgLandra is a middle-aged woman who's prone to disruptive behavior and angry outbursts concerning political events. People tend to avoid her, fearing her explosive temper. She has begun to stop by an area where she first encountered a group of believers who were offering hot drinks, conversations, and prayer. When she approaches the believers, her anger seems to be simmering beneath the surface. It seems that some part of her is interested in connection. Perhaps it's because she sees people who are caring for others, or perhaps she would just like to be an influence. One of the believers had a long conversation with her recently. Phone numbers were exchanged. Many text messages have been passed between the two. Landra asked if they could meet for coffee soon. The believer is hoping to use this opportunity to go below the surface and discover "the real Landra" and be able to share the hope that lies only in Jesus, the Savior. Pray that as they meet and continue to communicate, Landra will come to know the love and grace of God in a profound way.
(DEL-ee) - Brother David launched a social media ad with a Christmas emphasis in mid-December in the "Canal District" of Delhi. The intentionality in putting out the ad was to connect with Muslim women in that area in particular who are interested in knowing more about Jesus. More than 2,000 women in the "Canal District" viewed the ad, but those women have not been reaching out for more information. Pray for hearts to be softened and doors to be opened in the "Canal District" to the message of the gospel, especially as Ramadan--the holy month of fasting for Muslims--is coming later this month and on into March, and Good Friday and Easter will follow shortly after in April. Pray that this ad that went out will prepare the ground for the seed of the gospel to be planted and watered by believers in the days and months to come. May many of the women who saw the ad this past Christmas season become sisters in the Lord before next Christmas, by the Lord's grace.
"A little over a week ago, we did an evangelism day with a church from a nearby city," missionary explorers Jude and Rocky Brown shared. "This church would ideally be the ones to continue work among this people group. Pray that all the people we shared the gospel with will accept Jesus. Pray for this church to carry on the work after we leave the area, and above all, pray for God to be glorified!"
http://www.imb.org/great-pursuit/(van-COO-ver) - February in Metro Vancouver is not only the coldest, but also one of the wettest times of the year. People are weary of the winter days yet have difficulty getting out into the dark and dreary environment. Many will experience feelings of isolation, hopelessness, and even depression. As believers interact with their non-believing friends and neighbors, please pray that they will have opportunities to share about the hope that comes only through salvation in Jesus and the comfort that He offers to those who are hurting. Pray that Christians will boldly invite others into their homes to share God's love through hospitality and fellowship. Pray that through this hard month, many will learn what it means to follow Jesus and experience true transformation in Christ.
(EE-sahn) - Keith, a member of the Isaan team has returned to Thailand after a short time in America. Even though Keith has lived and worked in Isaan for three years and has a good grasp of the language, he desires to have a few months of focused, intensive language study in a different city so that he can effectively share the gospel, teach the Word, and disciple new believers. When he finishes this intensive language study, he will move to a new area to begin a new church planting work. Please pray for him.
"Pray for the strategic planning and training taking place to prepare for a year full of ministry. Pray that God will continue to unite our Costa Rica Mobilization Team and that He will guide us in the partnerships and areas where He desires for us to focus throughout 2025."
(SHOW-pee) - "They live five hours away roundtrip. Some have yet to hear the truth that will set them free. Some have been given an audio Bible. Some now have the Word at their fingertips. But how can discipleship take place? What can it look like? What will the Lord do? Please join our Southern Mozambique Team in praying for open doors for follow-up discipleship to our audio Bible distributions that happened at the end of this past year. Pray for entrances to working with existing unhealthy churches that may not yet be convicted of their straying ways. Pray for partnering with a 'person of peace' (Luke 10:6) who was welcoming of evangelical work in the past. Pray for the vast need for discipleship--the plentiful harvest and the meager and feeble laborer representation. Please pray for the audio Bible studying tools to bridge into this massive Chopi people group while they are awaiting the discipleship they may not even know that they need. 'Please, Lord, show us the way and open the doors. Pray that every tongue will confess You as Lord and Savior of their lives and then begin to work out their salvation with healthy discipleship strides."
http://www.imb.org/sub-saharan-africa/(buh-LOHCH) - Reem has several children. Her oldest, who is 12 years old, had not received any education. Earlier this year, a new school popped up and offered free tuition for the girls in her family. School-age girls from all over the city, who couldn't afford school otherwise, would eagerly pile into a car and attend school. Then one day, about a month after they had started, they showed up at school and found that the gates were locked. The school had shut down. Reem's family was devastated. Pray for Reem's believing friend, a homeschool mother, who desires to help in educating Reem's children.