Friday, January 17 2025
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Sub-Saharan African Peoples

"Africans on Mission, an indigenous movement for healthy African churches to identify, train, and send out African missionaries, asks that we pray for African churches to overcome the dependency mindset. May they take to heart the African proverb: 'From small creeks, rivers are formed.' Pray for the churches to join together in this task for which we were commissioned by our Lord Jesus Christ: 'Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you' (Matthew 28:19-20 ESV)."
Friday, January 17 2025
European Peoples
Russian Speakers of Eastern Europe

A small, Russian-speaking church plant in Pilgrim City seeks to meet Russian-speakers from Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia. The women of this church continue meeting and ministering to Russian-speaking mothers in the city. Over the past few months, the women of the church have formed a group for moms. They meet multiple times per week in the park, and once per month, they host a program for the preschoolers and a program for the moms. This gives the believing moms an opportunity to share their faith and care for other moms who attend. Please pray for the women to clearly hear the gospel, repent, and believe. Pray that they will turn to Christ and follow Him, and those in their households will follow Him as well.

Friday, January 17 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Refugees in South Korea

After refugees leave their home country, they can spend years in transition before they are finally able to settle down in a safe place. Consequently, many school-aged refugees are behind in their education. In South Korea, almost one-third of all university courses are now taught in English. As a result, young refugees must devote extended amounts of time to studying English in order to enter university. Missionaries are helping to meet this need through partnering with schools and academies that help refugees. Please pray for these missionaries to have wisdom as they teach English to the refugees. Please pray for the refugees to gain competence and confidence with their English and successfully enter university. However, more importantly, please pray that there will be many opportunities for missionaries to share Christ's love with the refugees and that the refugees will come to know the Lord.
Friday, January 17 2025
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Peoples of the Islands of Lake Victoria, East Africa

"The second phase of a 'Training for Trainers' (T4T) training for pastors and leaders on Sigulu Island occurred in November," writes the Islands Team. "The 40 who were being trained represented people from five different island village churches. The participants seemed excited to continue the T4T training that we began in October. That previous training resulted in the start of a new church and seven home Bible study groups. This T4T training took place over five long days and ended with hut-to-hut evangelism and the baptism of nine new believers! Please pray for the believers on Sigulu Island as we reach island villages with the gospel of Jesus Christ."
Friday, January 17 2025
South Asian Peoples
People of the Lower Plains of Karnataka, India

(car-NAH-tuh-kuh) - Jesus, the Light of the world, shines in the darkness. Give thanks to the Lord that many people of the Lower Plains heard the gospel for the first time during the Christmas season! Praise Him for stirring the hearts of believers to share and for giving them the boldness to be obedient to His commands. Ask the Lord to cause these seeds to take root in the hearts of the hearers, and pray that they will realize that they are separated from God and in need of forgiveness. May they turn from their sins and confess Jesus as their Lord and Savior, leaving their gods behind and following the one true God. Pray that the believers will continue sharing with those who heard and will disciple them once they have placed their faith in Christ. Pray for the light to shine brighter and brighter in the darkness of South India! "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it" (John 1:5 ESV).

Friday, January 17 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Northern Plateau Peoples of Southeast Asia

One of the world's least developed countries is populated mostly by people who practice folk Buddhism and animism. There, 49 unengaged, unreached people groups (UUPGs) remain unreached with the gospel so for many reasons, from their isolated locations to government restrictions. Will you please pray for these UUPGs? Ask that the Lord will send laborers to explore and research where they are and what they believe—laborers to share the gospel with them and train others to do the same? Please pray that new research will clarify conflicting and confusing information. Please pray for laborers who are willing to engage people in isolated and difficult places, to reach some of the last unengaged peoples in Southeast Asia. Finally, please pray for churches willing to adopt and consistently pray for these peoples, interceding for them faithfully.

Friday, January 17 2025
South Asian Peoples
Muslims of Three States in South India

The Lord is at work in the three states in South India! Thank you for praying for the most recent "See Say Pray" (SSP) evangelism outreach. On the first day, 46 people attended, and on the second day, 44 people attended. In those two days, 186 people were approached with the intention of sharing the gospel, and out of those, 105 heard the good news. Praise the Lord for the Muslims hearing the gospel and for the believers taking that first step to share! Another SSP will be happening in January, and expectations are that the Lord will do more than can be asked or imagined. Another initiative that is growing among the believers is an effort to counsel both believers and nonbelievers, with a greater vision of reaching Muslims through a counseling ministry. This quarterly counseling training is led by a visiting group of believers. Please pray for these two initiatives in January, asking that the Lord will be glorified, believers will grow in their faith, and Muslims will be impacted with the gospel.

Friday, January 17 2025
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples
Arabs of Flowertown, Northern Africa

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted" (Matthew 5:3-4 CSB). Sophie has been a close friend to a believing woman for a while now. This sister in Christ has had the opportunity to read the Word with her, and many other sisters in Christ have been able to share truth with her. Sophie recently experienced a tragic loss and is searching for meaning in that. She feels grief even when culturally, she isn't allowed to. Pray that the Father will reveal Himself to be her Comforter in times of pain and loss. Pray that Sophie will hear and understand the powerful words that the Son speaks to believers in their times of mourning.

Friday, January 17 2025
American Peoples
American Peoples

"Our region will be receiving several new missionaries in 2025. Some are already in language school, while others are preparing for training and then leaving the United States. Please pray that they will transition well in whatever phase they are in. Since some of the phases are harder than others, so pray that they will always be encouraged."