Heavenly Father, we give You thanks for new believers among students in Malaysia in 2024. Thank You too for those who have grown stronger in Your Word and in their walk with You. We pray for all believing students in Malaysia to grow in love and faith in 2025, that they at no time would be ashamed in sharing Your good news. In Jesus' most precious and holy name, Amen.
eastasiaprayer@pobox.comOver the past semester, God has been working in the lives of international students through weekly English worship services at two local universities. Deep conversations have been shared, community has been built, and one student from Europe began her relationship with Jesus. In South Korea, university winter break lasts from the final week of December through mid-March. It seems that just as these university student communities begin to become more stable and go deeper, the semester ends, leaving missionaries to start over again the next semester. Please pray that the connection with students can be maintained during the long winter break and that these students will continue to grow in their relationships with Jesus. Pray for more local and international ministry partners to join in these ministries and for ears to hear the Holy Spirit as plans are made for Spring semester ministries.
eastasiaprayer@pobox.comHayat grew up in a Protestant family but became a Muslim after marrying a Muslim man. Her husband was very abusive toward her, and after a few years, he divorced her. Later, Hayat met an Orthodox man and married him, but he also mistreated her and then divorced her. Due to the abuse and mistreatment from her husbands, Hayat became mentally and emotionally unstable. Her family decided to put shackles around her ankles so that she couldn't hurt herself or run away. One day, some believers came to her neighborhood and taught Hayat and some other women a lesson on female hygiene and menstruation. They shared the story of Creation and the story of the bleeding woman with the group. While listening to the stories, Hayat's heart was greatly moved. She told the believers that she was more concerned about her spiritual enchainment than her physical enchainment. She asked them to pray for her deliverance. After that initial encounter, Hayat kept going to the Bible study and decided to follow Christ wholeheartedly. Please pray for Hayat, asking that God will protect her and grow her faith.
Give thanks to God for continued opportunities to share the good news! Last month, you were asked to pray for Faiza, a North African woman living in Europe, and recently a believer was able to share the gospel with her and two of her friends. While Faiza is still resistant to Christ, the two friends expressed an interest in having more conversations in the future. Pray for these friends, Jasmin and Souad, asking that the truth they have heard will stick with them, and pray that they will desire to learn more about Jesus. Also continue interceding for Faiza. Although she argues and deflects questions, she comes from a place of deep pain and a need for Christ. Ask the Holy Spirit to convict her of her sin and her need for a Savior.
A group of believers met outside of the "Valley of Treasures" in December, during which time they had an opportunity to go deeper into the Word together. Pray for these believers to become students of the Word and to have a daily time with the Lord in the Word and in prayer. Ask that those who came to that meeting will experience an increase in their hunger for the Word and be eager to share what they have learned with others. Pray that what they learned will stir their affections for the Lord, for their brothers and sisters in Christ, and for the lost around them.
(JOO-luh) - Pray for the Christian leaders among the Jula to lead with humility. Isaiah 66:2 (CSB) says: "My hand made all these things, and so they all came into being. This is the Lord's declaration. I will look favorably on this kind of person: one who is humble, submissive in spirit, and trembles at my word." Pray that this humility, as well as love expressed towards others, will compel unbelievers to be curious as to why these leaders are different from other leaders. Pray that these unbelievers will begin asking questions that will open up conversations for these humble leaders to share the hope that they have. "But in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy, ready at any time to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you" (1 Peter 3:15 CSB).
http://www.imb.org/sub-saharan-africa/(BAH-mah) - The past 11 months have been exciting for one group of believers in Myanmar. A church-planting internship has been well attended, and several new churches and groups have been started. These young church planters are excited and can see how the Lord has answered their prayers. Pray that the church leaders will cast vision effectively and disciple the new believers well. Ask that spiritual growth will follow among the new believers and that more leaders would sprout from the seeds that have been planted. Ask that even now these young churches will be considering the ways that they can multiply and begin new churches and Bible studies in other areas. Pray that the new believers will reach out to non-believing friends, family, and coworkers and share the good news that they have heard.
neemtreemyanmar@gmail.comLast July, you were asked to pray for Camila, a young mother of three who had recently opened her home to visits by believers. Please pray now for a new Bible storying group with Camila and several Baru children. The believers hope that these children will learn the truth of the gospel from an early age and that other mothers will join them to hear the good news!