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Thursday, February 6 2025
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Wassulu of Mali, Guinea, and Cote d’Ivoire

(WAH-soo-loo) - During February, Wassulu workers plan to host a gathering of Malian pastors, evangelists, and a few church leaders. The attendees will include those who are working among the Wassulu as well as other people groups in the region. Teaching during the conference will carry the overall theme of and focus on the "Dependability of the Word of God." After this time of instruction, fellowship, and encouragement, some of the men will remain in the area for training in sermon preparation and Bible-teaching preparation. Be praying through the first few weeks of February for the final preparations ahead of this conference, both for those leading and for others handling the logistics. Pray for the spiritual preparation of those teaching and those attending. Pray that the serious security concerns in the nation will not hinder those traveling into Mali to teach, nor those traveling within the country to the event. Lastly, pray for the Lord's protection over the time these men will be together. Pray that amid the intensifying persecution and difficulties across Mali, these indigenous leaders will continue to grow spiritually and have an increasing burden for sharing the gospel not only among their own people but also with others around them.

Thursday, February 6 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Peoples of Northern Maluku Islands, Indonesia

(mah-LOO-koo) - Pray for God to bring young workers to serve among the peoples of North Maluku and help with educating the children of other missional believers in this area.

Thursday, February 6 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Osaka, Japan

(OH-sah-kah) - "Thank you to everyone who has prayed for the biblical counselling training that started two years ago and was held every six months. Our last one was completed on December 7, and five people have already received certificates. There are others who will receive certificates after they complete their homework. Pray for those who still have homework to complete, and that those who have already completed the training will use what they have learned to give people help and hope using the Word of God in their lives. We will have a follow-up gathering on February 8 to encourage one another and to ask each other questions about how the training has been useful in counseling."

Thursday, February 6 2025
South Asian Peoples
Muslims of Three States in South India

There is a church that has been eager to learn how to share the gospel with Muslim people in their area. The city where the church is located is 40% Muslim, so there is a great need because Muslim people are often neglected when it comes to outreach. This church has "caught the vision" for how God views all peoples, so in February, they will gather together and some other believers will teach them from God's Word how to share with Muslims specifically. Give thanks to the Lord that the believers in this church desire to share with Muslim people! Pray that by the power of the Holy Spirit, the believers will grasp what is being taught. Petition for boldness and faithfulness as they go out to share! And pray for the hearts of the Muslim people they share with to be open to receiving the good news of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, February 6 2025
Global Initiatives
Missionary Explorers, Project 3000

"Praise God that this week, three other explorers and I head out to begin training for our work in the jungle!" missionary explorer Casey Ambrose said. "We have all made it through language classes and are ready to get out! Please be praying for our training time and that God would continue to mold us into the servants He wants us to be. Pray for the people who have not yet heard the gospel in our area, that God will prepare these people for us to reach with them His Word."

Thursday, February 6 2025
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples
Libyan Arabs of Libya and Northern Africa

(LIH-bee-un) - School is back in full swing after the winter break. Students of all ages spend at least an hour a day in a vehicle, going to and from school. Heavy traffic prevents anyone from going anywhere quickly, and walking long distances is not a social norm. Students who live in the same building or near each other often carpool to help carry the load of getting to and from school. Please pray that these hours spent in the car will be filled with conversations about spiritual things. Pray that believers will boldly share with their friends and neighbors, and ask that students who are seeking truth will find Jesus.

Thursday, February 6 2025
American Peoples
Colombia Mobilization

"Pray for a small medical team who will be working in the city of Cucuta, Colombia, for a large part of February. Pray for the logistics of arranging for this team, and ask that they will be able to share Christ with many while they are here."

Thursday, February 6 2025
Central Asian Peoples
Central Asian Peoples

As Central Asian believers continue in this new year, pray for them to grow in unity with one another. The evil one wants to "steal and kill and destroy" (John 10:10 ESV) and weaken the church by taking every opportunity to cause disunity. Ask for believers to dig into the Word and let the Spirit lead and guide them. Pray that they will strive for unity and love so that those around them will know them by their love and people will come into God's kingdom. "By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:35 ESV).

Thursday, February 6 2025
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Cape Town, South Africa

(KAYP town) - Missionary Ceila Torres and Gleemoor Baptist Church of Cape Town, South Africa. are hoping to do a community development project in February in Lavender, a tenement community in Cape Town. Currently, only one Christian lives in this community of 650 people. Please ask God to open ministry opportunities in Lavender, which is near Gleemoor Baptist Church. Ask Him to prepare the hearts of the people in Lavender to hear the gospel. Plead with Him to go into this community and prepare the harvest field before Ceila and the Gleemoor team begin their work there. Also pray for the Lord to prepare and send out more laborers into the Lavender harvest field. "Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest" (Matthew 9:38 ESV). Pray that the seeds sown will land on good soil and bring forth a bountiful harvest of salvation of the people and praise to God. "And some fell into good soil and grew and yielded a hundredfold" (Luke 8:8 ESV).

Thursday, February 6 2025
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples
Atheists, Agnostics, Artists; N. Africa & Mid East

Fairouz, who has heard the good news from multiple people over the years, was at a believer's home a few months ago, helping to set up the Christmas tree. "Would you like me more if I were a Christian?" she asked her believing friend. They then discussed God's love and His desire for all those He's created to come to know Him. "What is baptism?" Fairouz then asked. "And why do people get baptized?" They chatted about how even Jesus was baptized and what baptism symbolizes: death to sin, burial, and resurrection to a new life in Christ Jesus the Lord. Please pray that Fairouz will continue to ponder deeply matters of faith and that she will come to drink deeply from the wells of salvation, leading friends, family, and even strangers to do the same.

Thursday, February 6 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples

In recent years, materialism and the false teachings of the prosperity gospel have become more appealing to Christians in many Asia-Pacific Rim countries. Pray for Christians to desire to know God more, genuinely turn from sin, and develop a closer, more intimate relationship with Jesus. Ask God to help them see their need for Him and avoid worldly temptations. Pray Christians will know His Word so well that they easily recognize false teaching. Ask God to raise up humble leaders within churches who are unafraid to speak the truth and who will teach God's Word without compromise. Pray God will give Christians hearts to obey his Word and walk in the Spirit so they may mature and learn to live godly lives.
