Monday, September 16 2024
Central Asian Peoples
Turks of Istanbul, Turkey

(is-tan-BULL) - A believer moved to a new area of her city. Amid city life's busyness, meeting new people can be difficult. As the believer spent time in the park near her home with her children, she ran across another mother who had brought her child there to play. After extensive conversation, the woman invited the believer to join her for tea in the park with other mothers in the evening. Since most of these women work, they typically meet during the evenings to drink tea and let their children play together. Would you pray that this believer will be able to form good friendships with these women and that, at the right time, they will be able to hear the truth and one day accept it?
Monday, September 16 2024
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples
Swahili-Speaking Arabs of East Africa

(swah-HEE-lee) - Many Swahili-speaking Arabs of East Africa live in a state of poverty. They save every shilling they can and haggle even over small items. Most families do not own a car or have access to quality healthcare or education. Recently, students in one class were asked about their favorite restaurants. Silence filled the room, and it was revealed that in a class of 30, only one of them had ever eaten in a restaurant. For them, living in a developing nation means that it is nearly impossible to plan well for the future because all of their resources go into surviving the day. Following Jesus will not increase their salary or add to their bank accounts; however, it will allow them to have a relationship with the One who provides for their every need. Pray that as Swahili-speaking Arab believers grow in their knowledge of Christ, they will also recognize Him as their Provider. Claim Philippians 4:19 (ESV) over their lives: "And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus."

Monday, September 16 2024
European Peoples
Russian Speakers of Eastern Europe

Meeting people and developing relationships that lead to sharing the gospel can be a daunting task anywhere in the world. In Europe, one believer decided to use social media and her desire to improve her Russian to make connections. After posting a message online for a language exchange partner with a native Russian speaker, she received several replies. Three women met with the believer in person at different times over several weeks but only one, a Central Asian in her early 30s, desired to meet consistently. Rangula is a Central Asian woman who lives in Europe. Over several weeks, Rangula and the believer met and discussed many subjects in English and Russian including beliefs about God. Rangula's European husband is Protestant, and her parents are nominal Muslims, but Rangula is indifferent. She is open to discussing spiritual things but does not initiate spiritual conversations. Rangula listened attentively, correcting the grammar mistakes as the believer talked about her beliefs, shared her testimony, and discussed her involvement in her local church. Please ask for the believer to have more opportunities to talk about Jesus with Rangula. Pray that Rangula will see she needs a Savior, repent, and share her faith with her entire family in Europe and Central Asia.

Monday, September 16 2024
South Asian Peoples
Peoples of the Hadothi Region of India

(HAH-doh-tee) - In the Hadothi region of southeastern Rajasthan lies the district of Baran, which is home to more than a million people. It is famous for several ancient tourist sites such as Shahi Jama Masjid, which was built during the period of the Mughal Empire, and others such as Sitabari, a popular Hindu worship ground. Please pray that amid the vast amount of lostness in the district, people will have an opportunity to hear the gospel and those walking in darkness will be transformed through the power of the good news. "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek" (Romans 1:16 ESV).

Monday, September 16 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
People of a Coastal State, Southeast Asia

"Lord, we pray for several leaders in our city who believe that they cannot share the gospel with certain groups of unbelievers because of the threat of imprisonment or murder. We pray that they will be convicted by the teaching of your Word about the need to obey God rather than men. Help them be faithful to you and bold in their witness."
Monday, September 16 2024
South Asian Peoples
Muslims of Northeast Pakistan

The northern area is still considered to be unreached. One of the challenges in reaching the people there is that foreign workers are not allowed to live among them. It's difficult for believers from outside the northern area to build relationships and make connections. There are only a few local believers living there, and they are needing outside help. The evil one's strongholds in the region are great, hindering harvest laborers from effectively reaching the unreached people groups. Pray that God will lead the believers, showing them which path to take, as they prayerfully strategize how to reach the northern area and destroy the evil one's strongholds. "For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds" (2 Corinthians 10:4 ESV).

Monday, September 16 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Lusaka, Zambia

(loo-SAH-kah) - Pray for the college students in Lusaka whom visiting American students discipled this summer. Pray that their relationship with Christ will continue to grow! Pray that more believing students will come from the United States to do discipleship on the college campuses around the city.
Monday, September 16 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Hong Kong and Macau, China

(ma-COW) - As one local church reaches out to young people, pray for God to open doors to pockets of people that are open and interested in knowing God. Pray that as relationships are developed, students will desire to explore Christianity more and seek to find the answer to life's questions -- answers that can only be found in God.
Monday, September 16 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Durban, South Africa

(DER-bun) - Missionary Gregg Fort, who serves in Durban, South Africa, has recently been introduced to Peter, a young man who is interested in learning how to plant a church. Please pray for them as they meet together weekly. Pray that Peter will understand the basic principles, including following the leadership of the Holy Spirit every step along the way. Ask that he will become an effective church planter in his community.
Monday, September 16 2024
American Peoples
Displaced Indigenous of Bogota, Colombia

(boh-guh-TAH) - "Hundreds of displaced indigenous people who are living in parks and shelters suffer from malnutrition," writes the Indigenous Team Bogota. "The Colombian government, charities, and churches do what they can to provide for their needs, but it is an impossible task to provide enough food for everyone every day. Ask God to help us use our resources wisely to alleviate suffering, and pray that every act of mercy will point people to Jesus and the gospel."
