Tuesday, January 14 2025
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples
Shia of the Desert

As new believers emerge among the Shia, persecution becomes somewhat of a regular event. While it used to be potentially deadly, today it's much less so; nonetheless, it remains very painful. How can people from a dysfunctional society come to faith and suddenly become "functional"? The Shia have learned to trust only a few family members and, basically, no one else. How can they begin to trust people beyond their family when they find themselves in the family of God? Many new believers have suffered mental, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse as younger people. How do they come to know their wholeness in Christ? Families are falling apart at a high rate. Sexual harassment is on the rise as the society experiences more freedom, and laws about that haven't yet been written. Young men have been neglected and manipulated by their mothers and older sisters. How can they trust a possible spouse, let alone a body of believers? Ask the God of redemption to move and knit His body together with love, trust, knowledge, and understanding. Pray for mature believers to have wisdom and understanding to help individuals sort out the many challenges and trauma. Pray for a healthy Shia church!

Tuesday, January 14 2025
South Asian Peoples
Peoples of Madhya Pradesh, India

(MAHD-yuh pruh-DESH) - After coming to faith, Muslim-background believers often face all kinds of persecution. Pray for open doors for Shaun and Shauna and their fellowship of Muslim-background believers as they seek to share boldly with Muslims in their area. Pray that Bible studies that have been started with nonbelievers will continue, and ask that nothing will stop these believers from continuing to labor for the harvest in the lives of "people of peace" (Luke 10:6)! Pray that through their bold witness, many Muslims will turn to the Lord and their veils will be removed (2 Corinthians 3:16).

Tuesday, January 14 2025
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples
Northern African and Middle Eastern Unengaged Peoples

The small country of Denmark has attracted approximately 94,500 Arab people from various countries, but the largest populations come from Iraq and Syria. Refugees are offered asylum but aren't encouraged to settle long-term in Denmark. Most land in the capital city of Copenhagen. The Danish people desire to preserve their culture, which has resulted in conflicts and, seemingly, prejudices against Arab peoples. There are believers and churches in Denmark, but the Arab people remain unengaged and unreached with the gospel of Jesus. Pray for God to use the migration of Arab peoples into more religiously open countries like Denmark as a turning point in the spiritual lives of many. Pray that the Danish people, especially Christians, will look past religion and culture and see Arab peoples as individuals created and loved by God. Pray that believers and churches will engage Arab peoples with the good news of Jesus. As many Arab peoples have fled unstable and unsafe situations in their home countries, pray that God will "give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit, . . . that he may be glorified" (Isaiah 61:3 ESV).

Tuesday, January 14 2025
Global Initiatives
Missionary Explorers, Project 3000

"I was in the back corner of a coffee shop doing paperwork, and a couple sat down next to me having a passionate discussion about religion," missionary explorer John Pratt said. "They were comparing her religion of Islam and his religion of Hinduism. Their conversation turned to Buddhism, Catholicism, and then they started talking about Jesus. The guy said, 'I have heard about Jesus, but I do not know the full story.' I took my headphones out, looked over at them, smiled, and said, 'Sorry to be listening to your conversation, but I am a Christian, and I would love to tell you about Jesus.' That led to a 30-minute conversation that ended very well. They want to meet again later and talk more! Wow! Look at God! I thought I was just getting coffee, but God brought some people seeking Him to sit right next to me! Their names are Rakesh and Alia. Pray for them when you have the chance. I will try to meet them again this week."

Tuesday, January 14 2025
Central Asian Peoples
Kazakhs of Kazakhstan

(KAH-zahks) - "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come" (2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV). Pray for more Kazakhs to come into new life in Christ. Ask that many will have their eyes opened to the truth. Pray for those who are in Christ to live their lives fully for the Lord and faithfully share the good news.

Tuesday, January 14 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Hong Kong and Macau, China

(ma-COW) - Chinese New Year is the biggest holiday for most people living in Hong Kong. With a three-day holiday, there is a lot of family time around the table, bringing people together more than any other time of the year. Please be in prayer for Christians to be praying and looking for opportunities to have gospel conversations with their relatives who do not know God and are bound for an eternity apart from Him. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself to those who hear the gospel. Pray that they will see their need for Christ, have a desire to be saved from their sins, and give their lives to Jesus as the ruler of their lives.

Tuesday, January 14 2025
American Peoples
Ecuador Mobilization

Please intercede for volunteer teams from the United States who are making plans for serving in Ecuador in 2025. Pray that God will prepare their hearts and give them a growing desire to fulfill the Great Commission with their lives.

Tuesday, January 14 2025
European Peoples
Danes of Denmark

Please pray for IMB team members in Copenhagen and their church plant, which may have the opportunity to move into a church building in central Copenhagen. This would be a big step of faith for the little church plant, both financially and missionally, but they are trusting that the Lord has opened this door. Please pray for the core members of the church to be excited and move forward together in a united spirit. Pray for guidance from the Lord as to whether this is the right move and timing for this church.

Tuesday, January 14 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Coffee People of Southeast Asia

With two young girls and a husband who had difficulty finding work, Nurse Day was open to the recruitment call to join a start-up clinic focused on sharing Jesus with patients. Day and another nurse started working at the Eternal Peace Primary Care Clinic in July 2019. It was a new experience for her. Nursing school did not teach her how to do business bookkeeping or interact with government officials. She and her coworkers always have a smile. They have open hearts to learn and a willingness to do any task. Over the last five years, the Lord has used her and two other employees as models of kindness, love, and consistency. On January 17, the Eternal Peace Clinic celebrates five years of operations. By God's grace and the hard work of the staff you have prayed for, like Day, Dr. Rick, and Mariska, the ministry of the clinic continues. The patient advocate and spiritual care team also helps lead Bible studies and worship in homes every week. Pray for the Father to provide all the operational and financial needs of the clinic and that patients will continue to trust the clinic for their primary care.

Tuesday, January 14 2025
Sub-Saharan African Peoples

Journeyman Joy Tiebout is a wonderful example of how God can use someone who offers two years of her life to serve with an overseas team. Joy is teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) classes among university students in the city of Lubango as a way to find opportunities to share the gospel and to disciple new followers of Jesus. Joy uses her nursing skills to minister to women in a long-term medical recovery program. She's active in the choir and other activities at her local church. And Joy does all of this in Portuguese, a language she didn't know before coming to the field! Pray for Joy as she continues to minister in Jesus' name. Ask the Lord to continue calling journeymen like Joy to serve in His harvest fields.

http://www.imb.org/sub-saharan-africa/ tellhisstory@pobox.com