Friday, April 19 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Pretoria, South Africa

(pri-TOR-ee-uh) - In April, missionaries Daniel and Sky Scott will be training believers in a house church in a wealthy part of Pretoria. "Our training will consist of three ideas: First, our identity in Christ means that we are not only new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17), but every one of us are ambassadors for His kingdom! As believers, we must represent the interests of the kingdom of God 'whether we want to or not' (as one trainee in our last session expressed it). If we are true followers of Jesus, then it is our assigned duty to follow and to fish (Mark 1:17)! We can't bask in our 'made-newness' and not be an ambassador. We can't be content just to follow Jesus and not fish. Second, in our training, we ask people to make lists of who they know who is 'far from God.' We prayerfully consider whom God has put into their life for such a time as to hear the gospel! Finally, we train believers to tell the simple gospel story using the '3 Circles' gospel presentation method. Pray for believers in Pretoria to be enabled by the Holy Spirit to speak His Word with great boldness (Acts 4:29)!"
Friday, April 19 2024
South Asian Peoples
Muslims of Delhi, India

(DEL-ee) - Earlier this year, finding Muslim women in the "Mustard Seed Community" who were interested in learning more about Jesus and who had time to meet up was proving to be difficult for the believing women. They realized the need to take this to the Lord in prayer and also invite others to join them in praying. Thank you for asking the Lord to open doors! Since then, they have seen many more Muslim women be interested in meeting to learn more about Jesus. In fact, one believer met a family at a park, and these women said that they had been wanting to meet a follower of Jesus to discuss and learn more. Praise God for His answers to your prayers! Continue praying that Muslim women whom believers encounter will be available and eager to meet up to learn more about following Jesus, and ask that they will believe. Pray that busyness, sickness, passivity, and fear will not deter them from learning about Jesus and following Him.

Friday, April 19 2024
South Asian Peoples
Muslim Sindhis of South Asia

(SIN-dees) - There are many things to celebrate from last year! Many people heard the good news, and three new churches were formed, made up of those who had repented and believed. Local believers have been helping those who are now being discipled to grow. Praise God! Some harvest workers will be moving to a new city in the next month. Pray that their new neighborhood will be the exact place where the Lord can best use them, and ask that it will also be a haven of rest when they return to it from working in the desert. Petition for strong, new disciples and for healthy churches to be formed this year.

Friday, April 19 2024
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples
Middle Eastern Arabs in the Southern United Kingdom

During a Bible study, a simple question was asked: If Jesus were to walk into the room and sit in front of you, what would you ask Him? Raya thought about the question and then used an internet translation tool to help her understand. She stood up in front of the group and answered, "I would ask Jesus why women are second class." Raya has lived in the Middle East her whole life and has been unable to attend school, leave her home without a male relative chaperone, or show any amount of skin in public. She grew up living in fear of what men would do to her if she disobeyed the rules. When Raya arrived in the United Kingdom to seek asylum, she sought out the friendship of anyone except a Muslim. That part of her life was something she no longer accepted. Knowing God existed, she wanted to find a God who also loved her, not just men. Will you pray for Raya? Pray that she will feel the love of God through Jesus. Pray that she will find healing through stories of women in the Bible whom Jesus loved.

Friday, April 19 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Malong of the Philippines

(mah-LONG) - A training farm near many Malong communities is a place of fruitfulness that has impacted lives for generations but has had limited water because of its dependence on a spring. Malong community workers offered to come and drill a well to help this vital partner of theirs. However, the conditions of the soil were not right for drilling, and they faced multiple roadblocks. They persevered in hard physical labor and prayer for weeks and were not seeing success, but God had a special ending for this journey. This past month, the water began flowing! The team of men give praise to God because He has shown them that nothing was impossible with His help. Pray for the men in Malong villages that desire to come to this farm to receive training in agriculture and Bible. Pray they will also be encouraged and will enjoy the answered prayer of flowing water.

Friday, April 19 2024
South Asian Peoples
Kumaoni Speakers of Northern India

(koo-MAH-oo) - Give thanks to God for a successful training that took place last month in the northeastern Kumaon region. This group of believers was challenged by how the Lord wants to use them to carry out the Great Commission to see His vision fulfilled. They were equipped with tools and resources to share the gospel and carry out discipleship in their region. Many of these people are excited about what they learned and look forward to reaching their own communities in the coming weeks and months!

Friday, April 19 2024
Global Initiatives
Globalization, Global Engagement

Pray for workshops in Hualien and Taipei, Taiwan, with leaders and field workers from other sending entities. The "Eight Steps of the Missions Continuum" is designed to help guide churches, agencies, or networks to lay the necessary foundation to send missionaries to the field so they can have work that sustains and remains.

Friday, April 19 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Conakry, Guinea

(KON-ah-kree) - "As believers, we have all been called to go and make disciples, no matter where we live or who we are. For believers in Conakry, Guinea, where they make up a mere 1% of the population, this task can be quite daunting, especially as many of them question how to share their faith in a predominantly Muslim context. Our team has focused one aspect of our ministry on seeing healthy churches built up who are then sending believers from their congregation out to share with their own friends, family, and co-workers. But in order to have healthy churches faithfully sending out disciple makers, they must have biblically qualified leaders shepherding the body and teaching sound doctrine. Three times a year, a team of visiting theological teachers spend a week with local pastors, teaching them and strengthening them in their role as a pastor. Would you pray for this time of teaching this spring, asking that these pastors will grow in their understanding of God's Word as well as in their role as shepherd? Pray, also, that these teachers will understand well the needs of the culture they are addressing."
Friday, April 19 2024
Central Asian Peoples
Bulgarian Muslims (Pomaks) of Bulgaria

(POH-mahks) - "Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so" (Acts 17:11 ESV). Pray that the Pomaks will believe in the truth and accuracy of the Bible and examine all that they hear according to God's unchanging and unchanged Holy Word.
Friday, April 19 2024
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples
Atheists, Agnostics, Artists; N. Africa & Mid East

A believer visited Jana in her home to have a meal together with her and two other people. The gospel was shared, and a good discussion followed. The believer was able to answer boldly some of their questions and objections. Still, no amount of solid and truthful answers seemed to convince them. Such is the state of many others in that city and culture, as well. The power of answered prayer from the Lord is needed to change their hearts. Please pray that the sovereign Lord, in whose hands the hearts of people are "like channels of water" (Proverbs 21:1 NASB), will remove the veil of lies from their eyes so that they can behold the way, the truth, and the life--King Jesus--and respond in faith, obedience, and multiplication among their countrymen and families from other nations.

Friday, April 19 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Asian Pacific Rim Unengaged Peoples

Laos officially recognizes over 47 ethnicities in the country, and of those are 149 sub-groups speaking at least 80 different languages. Many of these groups are unengaged with the gospel. One of them, the Cali of Laos, also called the Lao Theung (Upland), is part of the Mon-Khmer people. They are animists, believing that animals, plants, and inanimate objects all possess a spiritual essence. Gospel materials are available to them, but they remain unreached with the gospel. Will you pray for this people group to have opportunities to hear of the God who created the world and who placed eternity in their hearts? Ask God to open their eyes to the beauty all around them. Pray they will seek the Creator rather than worship the creation. Pray for them to recognize their hunger for more than the world can ever offer and to discover that their hearts' desires can be satisfied in Christ alone.