(RYN, RUE-er) - God can use a variety of gifts and talents for church planting. Pray for students and others who are attending a six-week church-planting training in Köln, exploring the possibility of joining a church-planting team. Ask God to show them how they can use their gifts to be valuable team members. Pray that God will bring these strategic teams together and that nothing will prevent them from planting churches in the spiritually dry areas of Germany.
To many young men in Afghanistan, the promise of a life in a different country seems irresistible, and their goal is to move to the West and earn enough money to support their families back home. Unfortunately, the way that these young men attempt to leave Afghanistan is through being smuggled by car or on foot. This is very illegal, and most of these ventures result in the person being caught and held in jail until their family can scrape together enough money to free them. This is what happened to Manny's son, Liam. After a failed smuggling attempt, his family is now facing having to pay money they don't have to get him back. Pray for Liam and the hundreds more like him who are now stuck in prison with very little hope for the future. Ask God to enable them to hear the gospel in these trying times, and pray that they'll accept Jesus into their hearts. Also intercede for their families, asking that God will be merciful and provide them the money to get their family members back. May God turn these dangerous and scary situations around so that He is ultimately glorified through these people.
In the small East African country of Burundi, the Arab people (called Waarabu in the Swahili language) have lived there mostly as businessmen since the 19th century. A small population of Arabs remain there today, despite the conflict that this small country experienced several decades ago. Although they speak the national language of Kirundi, and sometimes even French and English, they use Arabic in the home. They are Muslim and follow the teachings of the Quran. The Quran communicates that Jesus is just a prophet and not God. While there are churches and believers present in Burundi, the Arabs living there remain unengaged and unreached with the gospel of Jesus. Pray that the 3,700 Arabs living in Burundi will encounter the Living God and Savior by the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word. Pray that resources like the Bible, the "JESUS" film, and gospel recordings that are available in their heart language will come to them through local believers and churches as well as online when they scroll and search the internet. Pray that Arabs in Burundi will be reconciled to God through faith in Jesus and brought near by the blood of Christ, who is true peace (Ephesians 2:13-18).
www.imb.org/adoptauupgA kind and respected leader of his community for decades in his homeland, Yacub and his family became targets when another group moved into the area, seeking to persecute the people over minor differences. Eventually, after great hardship and immense loss, he and his wife were able to leave and join their son in Europe. Thankfully, some areas of their lives are now relatively steady and secure, but Yacub continues to search for understanding regarding the spiritual confusion in which he feels stuck. Although his wife is busy with work and isn't very interested, he recently joined a weekly Bible study, faithfully committing to attend despite its being a couple of towns away. Pray that the Lord will open Yacub's eyes to the truth of Scripture so that he may see clearly the love and salvation offered to him and his family through Christ. Pray that his wife's heart will heal from the pain of what they experienced and that she'll be open to conversations about faith and religion. Pray for them both as they seek to rebuild a taste of the community they have lost in a very new and different environment.
In Cape Town, South Africa, there are many "mixed marriages" in which women of Christian backgrounds marry Muslim men. These women usually convert to Islam. In the case of Miriam, however, it was her husband who converted to Islam to marry her. Many years later, after enduring years of an abusive marriage, Miriam discovered new life in Jesus. Her husband stayed in Islam and sided with her own Muslim family against her. They have mocked her and persecuted her for years, doing things such as dumping coffee grounds on her Bible. But Miriam is determined to walk with Christ. When her family commands her to return to their faith, she responds, "Why would I ever go back to that?!" Pray for Miriam to endure this persecution and to stay strong.
http://www.imb.org/sub-saharan-africa/(DEL-ee) - Daniel has been connected with another brother, Salman, who has proven faithful in reaching Muslim communities. Intercede for their relationship as Salman begins walking alongside and discipling Daniel in the work of the Great Commission. Pray that the Lord will use this to grow Daniel in leadership and boldness. Pray that as he goes, he will recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd and follow in obedience.
"By the grace of God, on our final day of our most recent trip, my ministry partner and I had the incredible opportunity to share the gospel with 50-60 households in a village of an unengaged, unreached people group (UUPG)," missionary explorer D.G. Anthony said. "It's truly amazing how the Lord guided us to this community, allowing us to present the full message of the gospel to this devout Hindu population that had never heard it before! After our time there, the caste leader of this UUPG, a member of the local religious government, followed us out of the village, eager to learn more about Jesus and seeking prayer for his family's healing in His name and wanting to encounter Him personally! We exchanged contact information, and he shared a list of other villages of UUPGs he hopes we can visit together. Please pray for the salvation of the caste leader and the 50-60 households we reached out to!"
http://www.imb.org/great-pursuit/(HAHK-uh) - "Churches from around Taiwan celebrated a 'Hakka Arise' gathering in Taipei in late December, with more than 3,000 attending. Worship, testimonies, and gospel sharing were focused on Hakka people hearing and responding to Jesus' story – His incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection. At least 3 Baptist churches joined the gathering. We praise God for the hundreds who heard the gospel in their language, many for the first time. We praise Him for those who have chosen to follow Him. Pray for His light and truth to penetrate the darkness and lostness here. Pray for effective follow-up by local churches. Pray for more Taiwanese Baptist churches to be burdened for the unreached Hakka of Taiwan and for 2025 to be the year that ministry to Taiwan's Hakka explodes.
The Lead Global Center in Nairobi, Kenya, will be training new East African missionaries to go to the ends of the earth this month. Please pray for the fields where these new missionaries will go. Ask the Holy Spirit to prepare the hearts of the hearers in advance so that they will be hungry for spiritual truth and recognize their need for salvation. Pray that God will break down any cultural or logistical barriers that might keep the people from understanding the good news.
http://www.imb.org/sub-saharan-africa/"In celebration of a new year, the Deaf Ladies Sewing Group in West Africa made hundreds of African calendars that were distributed to international supporters as well as to local community partners of diverse faiths. As we reflect upon the Lord's strength that carried us through the past year, join us in praying for the perseverance that He will give us all for this new year."
Pastors and other leaders are facing great challenges in the City of Salt and Light. One leader was recently hospitalized because of an aneurysm, and the doctors have provided a grim outlook. Please ask God to provide stability and focus on the Lord, as there are many uncertainties facing this leader, his family, and those he leads. May God be glorified through it all.