Thursday, January 16 2025
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples

It's being said that 12 million Sudanese have been displaced and 120,000 Sudanese men, women, and children have been killed. The actual numbers are probably higher. The capital city of Khartoum has been destroyed, along with many towns and villages. Those living in country are struggling to survive. Refugees need a safe place to settle. One member of the diaspora stated of the war in Sudan that it is "the worst war no one is talking about." Would you talk to our compassionate, Almighty God on behalf of Sudan? Lift up those who are mourning the loss of family and friends. May they receive comfort. Pray for the internally displaced individuals and refugees. May they find food and lodging. Pray for those still in their homes. May they be protected and find provision. Pray for the fighting to cease. May there be lasting peace in Sudan.

Thursday, January 16 2025
American Peoples
Peoples of the Southwest Amazon Basin

The believers who opened a language institute in their city desire to take a 7-10 day river trip to the upper-river villages and communities this month as a part of the language institute. Their intention is to visit the schools, teachers, and students who attend school with them while they are in the city. They also desire to share stories from Scripture in the heart language of the people and ask them to consider those truths and the implications on their lives regarding Jesus. Please pray for efficient travel, supernatural encounters, and life-changing realizations about Jesus as Lord.

Thursday, January 16 2025
Central Asian Peoples
Pamiris of Central Asia

(pah-MEER-ees) - The Glacier People are very proud of their home and heritage. To many, their valley is the most beautiful and fertile place in the world even though life there is so hard that most of them have to leave to seek work elsewhere. There are few economic opportunities, no industries, and almost no work outside of farming and animal husbandry. In this insular Muslim valley, a group has heard and started to respond to the gospel. Some are prominent in the community; others are young men with little influence. None are yet baptized, but they are learning and growing in their faith. Pray for the Glacier People who are believers. Ask for their faith to be strengthened and for them to learn the Word diligently and follow it faithfully. Pray for protection from the many who want to do them harm and for boldness to proclaim their faith. Ask God to convict them of the need to be baptized and to gather together so a church can be planted among them. Pray for the massive majority who haven't heard and aren't interested. Ask the Spirit to give them open eyes and soft hearts to overcome their enslavement to a lie.
Thursday, January 16 2025
South Asian Peoples
Muslims of Uttar Pradesh, India

(OO-tar pra-DESH) - Pray for the "Almasih" district. Two people in that district have recently come to faith in the last few months of 2024 after an increased number of people began praying specifically for the district. Praise the Lord for the work that He has been doing in "Almasih" district! Ask Him to continue opening hearts and opening homes to the gospel in the "Almasih" district. Pray that those who are new in the faith will be discipled and will endure in the faith to the end.

Thursday, January 16 2025
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Maputo, Mozambique: Capital City and Province

(mah-POO-too) - The Southern Mozambique Team writes: "As Nilza and Alyana have been discipled by our team member in the basic commands of Christ, not only have they grown in their desire to reach others and be obedient in following through in their lessons, but they also have started another ladies' discipleship group. They meet online once a week then once a month in person. They've found what works for them and those they are reaching, and it's so exciting to see their initiatives! They are both college students and are active in their church in children's ministry and reaching women. They've truly 'caught the vision' to reaching generations to come, as they've each separately shared how God has opened their eyes to see the great need of reaching children in the church and in their respective neighborhoods. They have understood their role as 'older sisters' in the church and at home, teaching others what they have been taught. Please pray for Nilza and Alyana to be faithful in spending time in God's Word and in sowing gospel seeds generously among their families and colleagues at school. Pray that God will raise up godly men with whom they can serve God together."
Thursday, January 16 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Malong of the Philippines

(mah-LONG) - JeV is only one young man, but he is determined to continue to travel to Malong communities on his day off. He has seen the power of the good news begin to break down barriers in unbelieving hearts among Malong men. Pray for JeV's provision to travel from his home place each week and for the Malong men to gather to discuss further the teachings they have heard. Pray for JeV not to become discouraged but to persevere, showing love while he opens the Word in the heart language of the Malong people. Pray for clear understanding when JeV faces situations where multiple languages are spoken. Pray for the men that gather to have open hearts to believe in faith the message of salvation.

Thursday, January 16 2025
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Johannesburg, South Africa

(joh-HAHN-is-burg) - Of the 5.6 million residents of Johannesburg, 2.7 million have come from another country. With at least 66 different people groups, there is a great need for a missions' presence amid the non-English-speaking sections of this global city. Please pray for God to send laborers who are called to specific people groups in Johannesburg, for "in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed" (Genesis 12:3 ESV).
Thursday, January 16 2025
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples
Jewish Diaspora Worldwide

(die-AS-puh-ruh) - Jewish people around the world are being persecuted for their faith and their ethnicity. They are reluctant to be known as Jewish. Although some are proud and unafraid, their families fear for them. They are asking each other and their Gentile close friends why this is happening to them again. Most Gentile and Jewish believers try to explain to them that the events that are taking place in the world were prophesied by their own prophets and they can connect the dots to the very answer they seek, which is in their Messiah. This is a worldwide happening. Antisemitism has reared its ugly head and is becoming more and more aggressive. One Jewish couple hopes that a change in leadership will make a difference. Believers explained to Marcus that it might, but that doesn't change the hearts of men. Only his Messiah can do that, and they urged Marcus to listen and read and pray. Please pray for the Jewish people worldwide and for Marcus and his family. May they find the real peace they need, regardless of the leaders of nations.

Thursday, January 16 2025
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples

Peppered across East Asia are groups of people with their own distinct culture, language, customs and way of life that are foreign to others. Although these groups may be smaller in number, compared to the majority people group in the places they live, God sees them. They are unreached but not forgotten by the Lord who is all knowing. Pray for a gospel presence to be raised up among these groups. Pray that they will go from being unreached to being rescued by the transforming power of Jesus Christ.