Asian Pacific Rim Peoples

The worldview of karma and “making merit” by doing good deeds such as giving alms and offerings to monks and ancestors are deeply rooted in Cambodian culture. Doing so is valued as patriotic and honorable. Not following the traditions is seen as not being faithful to their heritage. This dynamic makes it very difficult for Cambodian Christians. They are considered as being traitors or forfeiters of their culture, and sometimes blamed for misfortunes for not conforming to the acceptable customs. Please pray for Cambodian Christians to be courageous and tactful when they encounter these issues especially during religious events such as holidays, weddings, and funerals. Pray that they will have wisdom and courage like Daniel to live counter-culturally when they desire to honor the Lord Jesus Christ with all their heart. Beyond that, please pray that they will use these events as opportunities to be a witness and share the gospel.