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Baloch of the Arab Gulf

(buh-LOHCH) – Rachel is a strict Muslim who, two years ago, was strongly opposed to Christianity. Today, however, she is more humble and curious about Christian beliefs. Above all, she is frustrated and discouraged with her own struggle against sin. Her Christian friends shared Romans 7 with her, emphasizing the need to be born again and given a new heart in order to fight sin. They discussed what it means to be born again, and one friend shared, “My parents have been going to church for many years, but I don’t know if they are really born again.” Rachel was aghast and said, “How can someone be going to church for that long, doing all those good deeds, and still not receive a new heart?” This led to deeper conversations about how good works cannot give new hearts and how Christianity is about a relationship with God. Rachel is still not open to the gospel, but it is clear that she is wrestling with these truths. Please ask God to open both Rachel’s mind and heart to the light of Jesus! Pray that she, too, will someday be born again and understand for herself what it means to receive a new heart.