In an ancient capital city where modern malls and hotels sit next to buildings a century or more old, members of a minority Muslim people group live their lives virtually unseen among the majority population. They’ve lived there longer than most of the buildings have been standing. Some were born in the capital and can speak multiple languages, including their own language, an international trade language, and the language of the majority population. Some are university students from rural villages with little knowledge of the majority language. Others come only for the day to sell vegetables in the markets or work in construction. Some spend the winter in the capital. There’s no church in the city where their heart language is spoken, and few have ever heard the gospel. Pray for believers to be able to meet these people as they go about their lives unseen and share the gospel with them in their heart language. May God give these people a desire to study His Word and learn about Jesus. Pray that He will raise up a church in their heart language so they can be a light that spreads the gospel and glorifies God throughout the entire country.