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Central Asian Unengaged Peoples

The Chechens are one of the oldest ethnic groups of the Caucasus region. In their own language, they call themselves “Nokhchi,” or “descendants of Noah.” They are seen as fierce warriors–an identity of which they are proud. Most of the Chechens in Europe are those who fled from conflict in their homeland. This is especially true of the Chechens who fought the Russians in the early and late 1990s. Many fled to Europe but continue to hold tightly to their cultural identity. Despite a long history of being conquered by other nations, Chechens continue preserving their culture. They learn local languages in order to integrate and work, but they continue to teach their children the ways of their culture and language. Many Chechens in Europe are still deeply connected to their homeland and desire to return. Please pray that the Chechens in Germany will have the opportunity to hear the true gospel clearly and that there will be an openness to hear. Pray for local churches to befriend Chechens and share with them. Ask God to build His church among the Chechens in Germany, and pray that they will have the courage and faith to share with their families in Chechnya.