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Church Planting in Zimbabwe

Pastor David is a church planter in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe among the Manyika people, who live along the border between Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Join him in giving thanks to God as he shares this story: “Naomi came faithfully to our Bible study but never committed her life to Christ. One day, she collapsed at her house, and the village nurse called her family and friends, as she appeared to be dead. I prayed a simple prayer for her and left, her body still lifeless. Later, I was called back to her house. She had regained consciousness but was unable to speak or move her lower body. Over the next days and weeks, we continued to pray for her and assisted in getting the medical help she needed. She struggled to recover for months. How amazed we were one Sunday when she walked in on a walker and finally committed her life to Christ! Soon afterward, others also gave their lives to Christ.”