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Cliffside Dwellers of Northern Africa

In October, you were asked to pray for Imane, a believer who had recently been diagnosed with cancer. She has recovered from the surgery, has completed one round of chemotherapy, and has begun the second round. The side effects have been difficult, but she has been able to go to work many days. When she has not been able to go, her boss has been very understanding. She was even told that her place would be held until she came through this. This is a direct answer to prayer! Praise the Lord! Imane is continuing to grow in her faith and to trust Him for her future. The other believing sisters are sending text messages to her and sending her Scripture verses for encouragement. This season has been a learning time for all of them. Please keep them all in your prayers. Pray for Imane that healing will come and that she will continue to trust the Lord. Ask that in her fears and pain, she will cry out to the Creator of all things and come to know Him more intimately. Pray that she will be able to share the gospel with her family, as they still don’t know the One who is “the way, and the truth, and the life” (John 14:6 ESV).