(KON-ah-kree) – Charlotte, a young student at a university in Conakry, Guinea, began attending one of the Baptist churches in the city a few years ago with her mother. When Madison, a worker, met Charlotte, they quickly became friends, and Madison began spending time weekly with her, discipling her and studying God’s Word together with her. They quickly became both friends and ministry partners and have even been serving in the church together by leading the children’s Sunday School time. It was evident from the start that Charlotte has a heart for her country, a heart to see her fellow classmates come to know Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Even though she is a minority on her campus that is roughly 90% Muslim, she has remained bold and has begun a Bible study with others on campus. Give thanks to God for her boldness and courage to share her faith with others! Charlotte still needs a Guinean partner who will help her in this ministry. Pray that Charlotte will remain steadfast and that others will step up to help her so she isn’t alone, especially when Madison leaves in June.