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Dakar, Senegal

(dah-KAR) – In an area east of Dakar, the capital city of Senegal, a small group of workers are “preparing the field” to plant a church. The strategy calls for establishing a center for training where Bible stories will be incorporated into lessons. Not surprisingly in a country that is more than 97% Muslim, they are running into barriers. They have been searching for nearly a year for a place to rent, only to be denied when the proprietor finds out that they want to include teaching from the Bible. That brings to mind Acts 4:25 (ESV): “Why did the Gentiles rage, and the peoples plot in vain?” Pray for favor from a proprietor, and ask that the proprietor will not object to this use of his/her building. Pray, too, for wisdom for the workers. Perhaps a change of strategy is needed, and if so, then petition for creativity and guidance in establishing an alternate approach. Pray that a group of believers will begin gathering weekly in this region. Pray Acts 19:19-20 for this area, asking that the local residents will abandon their false religion and any magic arts and place their faith and trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins.