Forgotten People of the Horn of Africa

Lydia is the city administrator of a village inhabited totally by Forgotten People. She’s a single young woman whose only exposure to religion has been through the Orthodox church. When believers came to her village for the day to complete a development project, she watched intently with excitement. When noon rolled around, she hosted the believers in her home for lunch. But the rain pattered so hard on the tin roof that the noise drowned out any possibility for spiritual conversation! That afternoon, when the work was completed, Lydia asked for a ride into town. Along the bumpy road, in that pickup truck piled high with power tools and people, something holy happened. Lydia heard the good news of Jesus Christ for the first time. She said, “Everything I’ve ever been taught about religion has been a lie.” Praise God for this divinely orchestrated moment and for how He prepares “people of peace” (Luke 10:6)! Praise God that He gave Lydia ears to hear and eyes to see the truth! Pray that Lydia will continue to grow in knowledge and love for Him and that she’ll use her influence to point Forgotten People to Christ.