Summer is a hot time of year in the Global City of Opportunity. To avoid the heat, many people travel to other countries. Where there are opportunities to experience new and different things, there is also more freedom to explore and even ask questions about things they don’t understand. Some people from the Global City of Opportunity may feel like they have enough freedom to visit a church or meet with believers to ask questions they might have. Others may desire to read and study the Bible without fear of being “caught” or “turned in” to those who are against them doing such things. Others may decide to follow Jesus because they have the freedom to do so. Still others may decide that they can do whatever they want: “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die” (Isaiah 22:13 ESV). As you are making your plans for the summer, pray for the people of the Global City of Opportunity to meet Christ followers who will share Jesus with them, and pray that they will decide to follow Jesus so that “[they] will know the truth, and the truth will set [them] free” (John 8:32 ESV).