Hakka People of East Asia

(HAHK-uh) – On August 21-25 Shalom Baptist Church in northern Taiwan will send a Hakka volunteer team to Meinung Baptist Church in southern Taiwan. This is the first volunteer team from a Taiwan Baptist church to any Hakka community. We rejoice for this huge step forward in Hakka ministry of East Asia. Pray for every activity, every worship time, and every step of evangelism during this mission week in August. Only 1% Hakka worldwide are followers of Christ; only 0.5% in Taiwan are followers of Christ. Hakka communities need volunteer teams to bring the gospel to them through love and service. Pray for Hakka partnerships to result from this mission trip and that this partnership will explode into multiple future partnerships of Taiwan Baptist Churches reaching into Hakka communities throughout Asia, bringing the light and truth of Christ into these communities. We rejoice, with great anticipation, what God can do through new Hakka volunteer mission teams.