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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

(HOE-chee-men) – “I haven’t seen my dad smile for a while,” said Dinh in a message. Dinh’s father is a former pastor and leader who has Alzheimer’s. Dinh’s mother takes care of his father, but she is exhausted and restless. Dinh is a bi-vocational pastor and leading a new church start, and he lives eight hours away from his parents. As he pastors his church, he is between secular jobs, struggling to make ends meet and support his parents. He needs God’s clear direction as to whether he should move back to his hometown to help care for his parents. Dinh said, “God gave clear signs to start the church, and He will do the same if I have to hand the torch to the next person.” Please pray for Dinh to have wisdom to know what the next steps are. Pray that God will provide the perfect job for him to help support his parents and himself.