(mah-POO-too) – Coming to church every Sunday yet not understanding everything that is taught can be a great obstacle for many women in Mozambique. From an early age, they stay home to care for siblings and do housework, so many of them are nonliterate. Women speak a local dialect as well as the basics of the country’s official language, Portuguese. Although much of Africa has an oral culture, being able to communicate only verbally can inhibit women in learning the Scriptures. At one church plant, the Southern Mozambique Team is striving for an audio Bible or even a written Bible in dialects from the Zambezia area further north. Families have come down to the south to seek jobs but have been unsuccessful. Unable to return home, they have started to adapt to their new area. This church plant is one example of the hardships of the reality that women face. Leading women’s meetings can be challenging when some are literate while others are not and don’t have basic biblical understanding. Pray for God to provide ways for women throughout the country to hear and know God’s Word and the gospel and to turn toward Him in repentance and receive new life.