(van-COO-ver) – “A recent trip to the store revealed an abundance of Christmas decorations on display and ready to be sold. Santa Claus, snowmen, stockings, reindeer, Christmas trees, wrapping paper, ornaments, and tinsel were displayed everywhere. However, the longer we looked, the more we noticed what was missing–decorations related to the true meaning of Christmas. Nothing connected to the birth of our Savior was being sold. There were no nativities, angels, stars, or any other such decorations. Though Metro Vancouver is home to a number of evangelical churches, this is a secular city. Please pray for the witness of these churches during this season. Pray for the light of Jesus to shine brightly, for the gospel to be proclaimed, and for many to hear and believe in the One who came to earth as a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes in a manger, who grew to a man who died on the cross, and who rose again for our sins.”