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Mountaineers of North Africa

Last month, you were asked to pray for Aisha, who had been struggling at work. Since then, she made the decision to resign from that job and seek another opportunity. For Aisha, this decision has been very difficult, and she is often second-guessing her decision. Please pray for Aisha during this very difficult time. The Father is in control of all things, and He loves Aisha in a way that no other person on this earth does. Pray that Aisha will feel God’s love for her, and ask that in her anger, pain, and sadness, she will see that God sent His Son into the world to experience that same anger, pain, and sadness. He understands where she is right now, and He wants to restore her brokenness with hope, mercy, and peace. Please pray that Aisha will see Jesus in a way that she never has before: that He came to save her and that no matter what she has done, Jesus accepts and loves her.